I have an 8 gig Sansa mp3 player connected to the Rhapsody music service. For a flat fee, I can download as much music as I want. So, rather than ripping all my CDs, which I have to find, de-scratch, etc., I’ve just used Rhapsody to load up my player.
Eventually, I will rip all my CDs. But to what format? Mp3? What bitrate? I don’t want the lossy mp3 format to be my only copy – say if I lose or scratch a CD beyond repair. I want a higher bitrate for playing on the PC and a lower bitrate for playing on the mp3 player. And what about the AC3 format?
Since there is no definitive answer to the encoding question, and since the answer may change over time …
I create wav files using Exact Audio Copy. I keep the wav files permanently. They are the master copy. An exact, lossless copy (and backup) of the original media. From the wav files, I create mp3s at my currently desired quality level (which may change as I learn more or as my equipment changes). Since I had trouble storing the song info inside the wav file, I found an even better solution. Exact Audio Copy lets you configure any mp3 encoder. To encode to mp3, it calls an external program and passes parameters. I wrote a trivial program to accept those parameters and write them to a “songinfo” file, which is a simple text file (of my own design) that is easy to parse. So, when I grab the wav file, the songinfo file gets created with it. Later, I use the info in the songinfo file to drive the mp3 creation process. Encoding is always done using the original wav files, which I can also use to make a perfect replacement audio CD.
The directory structure is by artist then album, with files named with track number and song title. I can truncate or otherwise mangle the file and directory names – because the full original info is in the songinfo file. Oh, and within the album’s directory, there are subdirectories called wav, mp3, ac3, and songinfo (depending on what formats I’ve converted to).
Right now, the collection is small and I don’t play directly from it. I’m simply amassing an archive of all my music. When I’m done, I’ll cancel my Rhapsody service and re-read this thread for ideas on how to organize a large music collection.
The master wav file plus the easily accessible metadata (the songinfo file) is what future-proofs my collection. I don’t have to commit to any particular encoding. I can also use any directory structure I want, because I’m not using the file names and directory names to store information. I can write simple programs or scripts to totally rearrange, rename, list, or re-encode my entire collection. It’s all under my control because of the easy programmatic availability of the metadata. Here’s the contents of a random songinfo file –
PROGRAM CaptureSongInfo
AUTHOR David C. Lowell
DATE Wed Feb 20 00:23:53 2008
DIRECTORY P:\Music\CD Collection\Geddy Lee\My Favorite Headache\wav\
WAV 01 My Favorite Headache.wav
ARTIST Geddy Lee
CDTITLE My Favorite Headache
TRACKTITLE My Favorite Headache
YEAR 2000
GENRE Progressive Rock
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