have a good one.

Wow, you suck badly.

and whys that?

how do you know he’s not irish?

Those damn tricky Irish men.

A day to dress in green, drink green beverages, and celebrate the obliteration of snakes!

How come we don’t do this more often?

(What does PETA think of the snake thing?, Oops, wrong thread)

Q: What’s green and sits in the backyard all summer?

A: Patty O’Furniture

(oops, wrong thread)

Happy Green Day!!

Today many of the members of TCUC will dye our hair green and make our annual trip to New Richmond, WI for the St. Patrick’s Day parade. It is supposed to be 29 degrees F. and 6-8 inches of snow later tonight. What a day for a parade!

Huzzah. My favorite excuse to go out and party. St.Patties Day! I love it.

hey! that was mine…

You fuckin spelled it wrong. Were you drunk? If so, it’s ok.

Don’t make jokes about people’s names. I am Kevin Patrick O’Brien.

Ah, a holiday devoted to drinking. Gotta love it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley:


I’m a 1/16th Irish


no i was not, well i wasnt then, dont swear, its bad for the kiddies.

I’m totally of Irish background–my grandparents were from County Cavan, County Longford, County Mayo. I’m a 100 percenter.
That said, I never cared one way or the other about this holiday. Which is funny because I like to drink–but when I think about it, I never drink on St Patrick’s Day.
I once did go to this great Paddy’s Day Party a few years back–everyone was throwing back the Bushmills and Guiness while passing around a microphone taking turns reading James Joyce. It got really absurd when Finnigan’s Wake made its appearence…

Happy St. Patricks Day, indeed, my friends.

har har you suck too. :stuck_out_tongue:

you spelt something wrong

No, that was intentional. I drop the g’s from words sometimes to emulate human speech. You look like an idiot now.

untell you find it in the dictionary its spelt wrong