Halloween Costumes

you could put on a hamburger suit and say you’re a well balanced meal:D

Ugh… that hurt.

I think the hamburger idea is hilarious. But I have decided to go as the Cat in the Hat. Actually, I’m just going to wear the hat. I really like the well balanced meal idea. Maybe next year. Thanks.


oh it was so funny. my freind and i were doing some urban trials/street stuff, and we stopped at a local costume store and he picked up an evil/scary clown mask. and he rode downtown with me with it on (it has the rainbow fro thing, and he put his helmet ofer it), he got so many looks, it was halarious. and while all that is going on, he was putting quarters in the zero’d out parking meters, people were looking at us so strangely… oh you all should have been there.

Re: Halloween Costumes

On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 23:49:37 -0500, “gasmaster” wrote:

>you could put on a hamburger suit and say you’re a well balanced meal:D

That reminds me of a guy I saw some time ago wearing a T-shirt with a
large ‘nutritional values’ sticker printed on it, pertaining to his
actual body composition. Twas funny.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“The more you think, the less you have to do. - Leo Vandewoestijne”

you could go as my girlfriend

Here is a great costume that you could wear…You could go as the wishing fairy

I saw this lady in Central Park earlier this May (not even remotely near Halloween, but it’s NYC)…so I was wondering which is the bigger freak, a guy on a uni or a lady in a pink tutu



me and the weird lady.jpg

freestlye ghost action

Me and Pebbles went to a fancy dress party as ghosts the other night. We just put sheets on with eye holes and rode our unicycles down to the party. What a laugh riding down the street “ooooooooo” ing at people! It was more fun than the party!!!

Video coming soon - a mate video’d us, I just need to get it off the tape and into the computer.

Where can a get a burger costume? I really want to be that burger one.

halloween costume

I will probably use that hoola hoop idea and go as the grim reaper, a dark wizard, or a dementor. it has that floating effect which is awesome and if you raise the seat on your uni so your legs arent moving that much, some people probably won’t even be able to figure out how you are floating.

oooooHHH!!! I thought of a really good one this year. im going to be a thumb for halloween!! have like the nuckles and your face be in the middle of the nail, and when you get candy you pull back the cuticle and thats where the candy pouch is!! wha do you think? haha

I think your insane.

but apart from that, great idea

Someone mentioned the grim reaper a while back, which reminded me that I was offered the use of a 19th century sycthe tonight. Apparently its very old and very long. So if I had a long black robe I could ride my giraffe and wield the scythe for all the reaping that might need doing. Too bad we don’t really celebrate Halloween in a big way in NZ…


well you could try a Donald Rumsfeld disguise (really scarry)
but why not try to be disguised as Mollah Nasreddine?
(If you do not know ask the locals they will find a funny figure)

or a bird called Bolbol (nightingale)

or Bozkashi player

starla ma shey!

bear (once roamed the mountains of afghanistan)

i dont know about you guys but i plan on scaring the crap out of everyone in my costume.

i saw you flinch


Okay - several ideas my wife and I have done in the past:

We cut a hole in the bottom of a cardboard box and put her head through it. We covered the box with a lace table cloth (also with a hole in it). Around her head was a small lamp, a box of kleenex, a trashy romance novel, and a package of condoms. On the side of the table cloth we put a large number “1”. She was a ONE-NIGHT STAND.

I went with blue jeans, blue shirt, and blue face. Around my neck was a rubber chicken tied with a rope. I was CHICKEN-CORD-ON-BLUE.

The prior year, we glued a couple of dozen miniature cereal boxes to an old shirt and stuck plastic knives in them. Obviously she was a CEREAL KILLER.

Or try this one on for size: Wear a sportcoat, nice shirt, and necktie but have on military fatigue pants and combat boots. You’ll be a LOWER GI.

I’ve been absent from this forum for a few weeks. On August 30th I had a nasty UPD and wound up breaking my right hand. The cast is off and three pins in the hand are now out but the fingers are still sore. I promised the child bride that I’d buy the wrist guards before getting back on the machine.


One year, I knew I was going to a party at a house with brown hardwood floors. I took a square white bedsheet and–starting about four feet up from one corner–cut it in a rough semi-circle to about four feet up on the other side of the same corner. Then I donned some white painters pants and a painters hat I splattered with brown paint. I tacked the sheet down in the corner of the living room so corners aligned and the semi-circle was facing out, sat down on the sheet along with my can of brown paint and paint brush, and went as a “Guy who painted himself into a corner”. Since I was stuck in the corner, everyone else at the party had to bring me drinks all night.

Best halloween pun ever

Found it! The “ONE-NIGHT STAND”