Greetings from Ohio

What’s your name?
Where do you come from?
Dayton, Ohio USA
What is your experience of unicycling?
Like many others on this site, I learned unicycle when young and rode everywhere on a Schwinn, including delivering newspapers. I’m in my early 60s now and several years ago saw my first video of someone road unicycling, which led to viewing many other videos of how unicycling has expanded. So I purchased a 29er about two years ago and got back into it. Last year I added a KH 36er. Its been blast. I ride the bike trails in the area. This area has the nations largest paved trail network. There is a lot of information here that has been very helpful and I thought I should finally participate and introduce myself. If anyone is in the southwest Ohio area and would like to ride, please contact me. Cheers.


Welcome to the forum! :uni2:

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Welcome, @Yeagermeister!

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