Greatest guitar solos

For me it’s Led Zeps “Stairway to heaven” and “Heatbreaker.” There’s tons more great solos. What’s your fav old or new?This site has some good choices:

Any solo from Dream Theater, Symphony X, Yngwie, Paul Gilbert, Jason Becker, and a lot more. =p

Skynyrd man! FREEBIRD!!!

Metallica has had some great moments, the slower part of Puppets for one.

And Prince at the Superbowl, maybe not exactly a notable solo but that guy can handle an axe

Freebird. Period.

But like Briguymaine said, Metallica had some great ones. I also like the Master of Puppets part, but I’m more partial to Ride the Lightning’s solo.

Frank Zappa’s guitar solos stand out for me. I’ve listened to One Size Fits All lately and so the solo on Inca Roads is in my head.

Also Neil Young’s solo on Cortez the (thread) Killer. Yowsa!


All the solos you guys are posting are good, but it there isnt much technicality in them anymore, specially with todays standards. Most people think of them of rather simple things to play now.

MOST people? Me thinks you mean SOME really practiced guitar players who are well versed in rock/metal/etc.

By saying MOST people, you would be taking a sample from all of humanity, and I would wager that MOST people would find ANY of the solos on this list nearly impossible to play.

Just a guess.

Nah, it really is most people.

I was talking to a guitar teacher, and he hands out Jimi Hendrix’s stuff out for solo practice, cause they are really just basic blue scales. His students usually get them down in a few days, and are ready for more stuff the next session.

My friends Zach, has been bearly been playing for a year, and he is getting into Yngwies stuff, and leaving all the oldies behind.

My friend James, never liked soloing, at all. I printed out a van halen song for him to learn, and he had it the next day. I remember him saying he thought it was gonna be a lot harder then it was, specailly the finger tapping parts.

Alex, on these forums, can play some Joe Satriani, so he could probably pull off lots of the solos mentioned here.

Im not trying to say these songs, solos, and guitarists are bad. I am saying this, by todays standards, most of theses solos are very simplistic.

Wow, because a know a lot of people and none of them can play these solos or anything on a guitar. Are you saying that after practicing people would be able to pull this off? If so, then maybe. I am saying that there are a vast majority of folks who have never picked up a guitar.

I sounds like you play, and play well. You have friends that play well.

It’s like saying that most people could ride a uni for a mile and not fall. You and I could do it easily, but Joe Blow who’s never ridden one probably wouldn’t make it very far.

HAha, I only have a few friends who are really good, but I didn’t mention them here, cause it would be like me saying that cause I can play all of these songs and solos easily, everyone else can. Which isnt true, so I haven’t even mentioned myself playing until now.

I didn’t once say that anyone who hasn’t picked up guitar, could and play these songs. That would be just stupid to put down, or think.

EDIT: In short, this is all I ment. The standards of then, are a lot lower than they are now.

Its true too, listen to a Eric Clapton solo, then go listen to a solo from Dream Theater.

EDIT #2: I remember the ending of Hotel California standing out for me. A nice, simple arpeggio,

I think that Stairway to Heaven is best guitar solo ever.

Often the technically difficult solos are not the ones that are the most listenable or musical. It’s the same in jazz and classical. The technically difficult pieces and solos are not always the best music to listen to.

I’d rather have a guitar solo that makes the guitar sing. Something based on good music theory and structure rather than shreding and technicality. Something based on a good blues progression can make for a solo that is nice to listen to.

Most of the solos in the 100 Greatest Guitar Solos that was linked to are not what I would consider the most musical. Some of them are a strain to listen to.

Repetition and Dust

Isn’t there already a thread for “Rock is dead”?

Thats true.

Like with the guitarist Rusty Cooly. He can shred, and sometimes its technical stretches, string skipping, sweep picking. Hes an amazing player, but I cant listen to him. Even though he plays fast as hell, with lots of feeling in it, its hard for me to listen to him.

Then there is Chris Impellitteri, who is probably even fast, but how he writes his music, and phrases his scales, its makes it very enjoyable.

Then there are players like Clapton, Hendrix, and the guys from back there. Good music, good solos, slow, simple, but effective, some fast runs here and there. Its good stuff.

Its the same for when I am playing. Some songs, theres lots of sweeping and long runs that are very fast. They sound great, and its still musical, cause Im not just hitting random notes. I know which scales, what arpeggiated figure should go where. Then on other songs, its slow, bluesy, and can be memorizing to play or listen to.

I can’t think of my favorite guitar solo off the top of my head, but did anyone see THIS guy on late night with Carson Daly?!?!?!

Andy Mckee: <–Awesome <–most beautiful song ever written.

Yup…out of the ones mentioned here, those Metallica songs, Freebird, StH, and Hotel California.

Personally, I think that StH is one of the most overrated songs to ever exist. It is a pretty song/solo, and it’s obviously played with feeling, but I just don’t think it’s all that amazing. I like the solo to Hotel California a lot more.

For me, one of the best solos I’ve heard is the solo to November Rain by Guns ‘N’ Roses.

If only there was a thread about guitar solos already

My favorite guitarist is David Gilmour by far. Esspecially the solo on Comfortably Numb… So amazing…

Chex, if you liked Andy, listen to Don Ross. He is like the God father of that style of playing.

Infact, there is a lot of times where Andy will play along with Don.

Agreed, but I like the solo on Time much more.