Good idea

So you decided to go outside at night in the snow, with shorts and a tee shirt to try a suicide mount? By the way did you actually ride away?

I sense a cynic. Why not praise him for his noble efforts in the fair field of unicycling? And is not it a feat of strength to endure such cold with only shorts?? Alas, what is the world coming to?
And snow is cool.

it wasn’t my first time doing one, and i only went outside to get a picture.

I rode away from it, went back inside, never thinking about how the enite unicycling community would think I was trying to pull one over on them. I see where I went wrong :frowning:

Nah … we’re just funnin’ ya.

Sofa, I for one, was not only impressed by the move but wowed by your muscular legs… thanks for wearing shorts for the pic! And keep those awesome moves coming our way… great inspiration for us newbies.


I think youve got an fan there Sofa, next time you may want to post some more explicit pix of you and your unicycle. You know maybe some swimwear on a picnic table… Maybe you and Harper can get together and put out a calander or something…


I think youve got an fan there Sofa, next time you may want to post some more explicit pix of you and your unicycle. You know maybe some swimwear on a picnic table… Maybe you and Harper can get together and put out a calander or something…


Eeeeek! :wink:

Phil, just me

Thanks Erin :o