Could some one recommend some good French rap songs?
MC Solaar is a really famous french rapper, he has a lot of good music.
check out Loco Locass
Someone has to say it:
Good Rap is an oxymoron in any language.
there is great rap and horrible rap, just as with any other type of music. It all depends on which kind you are listening to, the great kind of the horrible kind.
I heard this song a while back in a unicycling video and took the liberty to find out the artist and title: Tryo - Desolé pour hier soir
It was my best guess.
Not really rap, but I’m a big fan of Yelle and Camille. The french electronica scene has exploded since 2003 mostly thanks to Daft Punk and Justice, and it just keeps getting better. I could never take french rap seriously because nobody from France can even pretend to be hard or a gangsta(I only listen to thug ass slappz and gangsta rapz), and those frogs are always like “duh dee duh dwah duh” and I’m supoosed to think that’s actually saying something.
Butter bullets!
I disagree! Most gansta rap I hear dosn’t say much more than “I’m so cool, blah blah blah” which yes, is SOMETHING but not much.
O man Yelle’s a cause des garcon remixed is so awesome. I love the french electro stuff that is coming out these days. Still though Soulwax started it all.
I disagree with your assumption that the French don’t know anything about being thugs, the French ghetto’s these days look worse than the American ones do now.
That’s the one.
where from do you get that impression?
not being a fan of rap music I nonetheless recommend MC solaar (but since I consider good rap as poetry you should understand the language to get it)
I’m with Steve.
I expected this to be a MUCH shorter thread.
What with all the race rioting and the like. I’m not saying that they have similar problems, just that while U.S. ghetto’s were getting cleaned up, it seemed like the french ones were getting worse. I don’t live there so I don’t exactly know, and I could be wrong, but that’s been the impression I’ve been getting from the media coming out of France.
I find it sad how people are going to make such huge assupumtions and generalizations about a WHOLE GENRE OF MUSIC.
Listen to all of it before saying it’s all bad.
You just burned yourself bro. I’m pretty sure that you’re the only one in this thread who was making any “huge” assumptions about genres of music(Yes, “Gangsta Rap” is a genre).
If you look at a time-line of electronic music, it can be divided into two distinct time periods, Pre-DP and Post DP(Daft Punk). The turning point being Daft Punk’s exposure to the mainstream. Soulwax is Pre, and Justice, Post.
I didn’t say that French don’t know anything about being thugs(although I can’t imagine a frog being able to carry a Mac-10). Instead, I was trying to express that the style of rap that I prefer is not prevalent in the French rap scene, this I am sure of. I don’t listen to many rappers that don’t come from the Yay area. Unfortunately, you did not understand me.
I don’t think I said I didn’t like gansta rap.
I said that most of it dosn’t speak to me and tends to sound the same, but I still listen to it a bunch and consider it great art.
By saying that I “disagree”, I was merely stating my personal preferences in hip-hop. I wasn’t saying that “all rap sucks.”
Unfortunately, you did not understand me?