Goals for 2012!

Generally, ride more.

Find some hills again.

Do a marathon distance (just over 26 miles) without a dismount.

mine is to learn to wheel walk

mine is to convince a certain pretty lady to llearn to ride so she can join me on my osaka to sapporo epic uni adventure in late 2012

My goals for 2012 are:

  • ride backwards
  • learn to jump
  • ride the mtn trail by my home from start to finish

Christmas marked my first full year owning a unicycle. I’d like by the end of the summer to be doing unispins or crankflips relatively frequently =)

Ride the entire trail system at Raccoon Mountain in one day (~20 miles)
Do the John Muir Trail Loop in the BSF (~18miles)
Attend a couple munifests
Build a shed with my son
Spend two weeks in Colorado/Utah riding and sliding (Summer 2012)
Restructure my work day so I have time to ride after work, esp in the Winter!!
Make more, spend less, do more, sleep less, hmmmmm, yeah :slight_smile:
Ride with more folks I don’t “yet” know.

That’s a good one. I’m going to see if I can ride in the middle of the day and then work later to make up for it.

Added two haha.

Fulloutbacksideflips like colby thomas.
no handed fulloutbackside
attempt a frontflip. (preferably rolling)

My goals are

  • 540 Unispin(I’m close at the moment)
  • Hickflip
  • Improve my roll combos
  • Jump bigger stairsets
  • Doubleflip

That’s all I can think of at the moment

Get back into riding a little bit more and Hopefully going to Unicon :P.

Here are mines, I wont finish my 2011 goals so these are moving out to the 2012 list and I’m adding some more.

-Ride more
-125+cm sidehop
-Bigger than 8ft Static gap
-Get better at tech Trials (precision mainly)
-Do more than 500 hours of unicycling
-Not ride a b*ke

I think it’s all, I just want to get better at Trials and 24" Street. If I find any other ones I’ll add them later on my list :slight_smile:

Max’s side/frontflip! I’ve landed it on like everything else. (Tranpoline, flat ground, snowboard, ect. but not yet on the uni…)
Also a 130cm. sidehop.

Always learning…

  1. Build a custom unicycle.
  2. Build a 26" wheel; then a 29"; use in the same frame.
  3. Learn to ride the 26 and 29 at least as good as I can my 24.
  4. Idle… Ughh…
  5. Ride backwards
  6. Ride in a couple of “bike” events, UAR, 24HoB… maybe more.
  7. Be a unicycle evangelist… maybe inspire someone else to actually learn
  8. Take care of my aching knees and back… and any other joint that hasn’t started to ache, yet.
  9. Improve single track/off road skills
  10. Bonus: Ride a uni on a velodrone.
  11. Bonus #2: Ride in a uni-cross
  12. Not have goals 1-5 on my list next year; the rest are auto-renewing, like my gym membership.

1 Century
2 Muni in a more clean fashion
3 Muni down the waterfall at south mountain
4 Holbert trail at south mountain and be able to walk properly the next day
5 Stop biting my nails
6 Ride on the moon
7 Ride on all of the moons of jupiter
8 Another century
9 Another century but this time on Gliese 581C (planet)
10 Ride something so insane that it breaks the wheel on my muni. Or at least break something on it. Nimbus munis sure are durable
11 Muni in other parts of the state
12 Find a pair of shoes that don’t piss me off when I go for a 36 ride

I think I may need to wait a few years before I can complete numbers 6, 7, and 9

But mostly I want to do 12.

you’re a nerd :smiley:

but I guess I am too for knowing what what Gliese 581C was too

guess that means I’m also a nerd :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t hate me cuz you ain’t me :slight_smile:

Bigger street
One handed doubles
More confident with spins :stuck_out_tongue:
And probli more lol…


I’m just looking through my 2012 goals, and surprisingly almost all are unicycling related :stuck_out_tongue:

Unicycling Goals for UNICON XVI:
Win at least two of:

  • 10km Road Race
  • 42km Marathon Road Race
  • 100km race
  • XC MUni

Non-Unicon goals:

IUF Goals

  • complete the IUF World Record Database
  • promote IUF World Records for unicyclists