go see Sin City right now

i usually don’t say stuff like this but honestly, go see this movie right now. at least if you’re in the US. it’s exactly like frank miller’s graphic novels, of the same name, but all big and moving and even more awesome. not just for comic book nerds though. It’s one of the top 5 visually stunning films i have ever seen. the script is perfect. the cast is top shelf. i can think of nothing this film did wrong. It’s dark and stylish and moody and bloody and like some wonderful pulp novel come to life. it is rated R so, if you’re under 17, get your folks to take you, or sneak in. whatever. there is a bit of blood and gore and it’s full of adult themes and some nice boobs, but seriously, it’s freakin’ incredible. GO WATCH IT. RIGHT NOW.

I would not have put it quite that way… but yes, it was a mighty fine film. I too give it my stamp of approval.

Re: go see Sin City right now

If youre paying, I’'ll be there :stuck_out_tongue:

not a good excuse. or are you coming on to me? totally worth the $6 or whatever you have to pay to go see it.

lol, no I’'m not coming on to you.
Its 10.50 in canada actually. But I was just joking. I just meant that unless it was free I wouldnt go see it. mainly because its not my type of movie. Anyway.

just checking, and 10.50 canadian is what, $8 US? that’s about right for an evening/weekend. more than woth it.

Watched a matinee for 6.00 here.

Fun film. Not for the kids if you don’t want them to see nudity and over-the-top violence :smiley:
Reminded me of the ‘Aviator’.
(The way the color and fun graphics are presented)
Lots of famous cast too.
My favorite was Mickey Roarke’s character as “Marv”.

marv is my new hero.

Opps … error !

I meant to say “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”
(not ‘Aviator’)

Screw Sin City. It may be awesome, but go rent/ buy " {Heart} Huckabees" it’s awesome!!!

…you ok?

saw it last night and it was very good.

BTW i would never pay for Miko, it would be much safer to get ah…anyone else!

Definitely an awesome movie!

that movie was strange! it was pretty disturbing if you ask me. definately not for anyone under 17 i would say. i still can’t decide if i liked it. i’m close to saying that was a terrible movie.
what was with josh hartnet killing that lady at the beginning and then reappearing again with the girl at the end? why did he kill that lady in the beginning and what was his role?
how did the two stories in the movie fit together?

You missed the dialoge then.
He was a contract killer. Hired my herself to kill herself. Remember the last line to that scene …?
(the first killing on the roof)

“I guess I’ll cash her check tommorrow”

Then, that last scene, he was hired to kill ‘the rat’.
That was the gurl that gave info to the police that started the whole mess in ‘gurls town’.

The last contract killer story is a type of … ‘cliff hanger’ ending…
like … ‘more to come’ …or ‘the story continues …’


I saw it and I loved the way it was filmed in Black and White and just the style of the whole film. I am still a bit confused though on the whole plot issue. Can someone help make it more clear? Like how does Bruce Willis have anything to do with that other guy who’s trying to help out Blondie and her twin?

Anyone know when its coming out over here in the uk? ive seen the trialer for it and it looks good.


Re: Explanation

There is no ‘connection’.
It’s just another ‘story’ within a story.

The only ‘crossing’ is when Bruce walked into the bar when Alba was dancing.
Micky (Marv) was sitting front row at the stage.
(he was already dead from his story)

They say Tarentino had scene selection.
(the scenes jump around like Pulp Fiction)

Thanks! Now it makes more sense and I do like the movie better now that I understand it more. I think if I saw it again, I’d like it even better. Kinda like pulp fiction. I hated it the first time I saw it cause I didn’t get it, but now after watching it several times, its’ one of my favorites.

Re: Re: Explanation

theres a slight connection to their lives…after knocking out blondies twinn in the woods so she didnt have to watch the Elisha Wood dismemberment part. the big guy takes Blondies twin to a safe house…its the same house the little girl grew up…and where Bruce goes to find her.