Happened in the house too! Stepped on a piece of broken glass-very small, hidden in carpet- and when I tried to pull it out, a small piece broke off and stayed in my heel, and it’s too far in to remove with tweezers. Hurts like heck if I walk directly on it, otherwise it’s not painful.
I’m wondering if it will come out in time on its own, or maybe I could soak it and apply mineral oil or something and hopefully it will come to the surface so I can get at it. Or should I just go to the DR now and let them numb it and cut it out?
(I still did 16 miles Saturday on 36er, and nearly 10 miles Muni sunday! Doesn’t hurt to pedal since I’m not putting weight on my heel.:D)
The only people I can think of qualified to answer your question here would be GizmoDuck or tomblackwood.
But since you asked, according to Rachel Ferrier, as played by Dakota Fanning in 2005’s War of the Worlds, splinters will eventually be cast out naturally by your body. So, I’d go with that.
I’ve gotten slivers of glass, wood, and metal stuck in my body. After a few days, my body pushed them all back out.
In fact, I got a sliver of glass in my foot, on the ball of my foot. It was mildly painful, but one morning I woke up and it wasn’t there anymore…I could tell because it didn’t hurt anymore to walk.
…unless its still stuck inside my foot and is just sitting there, not causing any pain. O_o
With wood splinters I’ve had, I’ve been able to tweeze them out two or three days later, after my body pushed it out far enough that I could grab at it.
In fact, I just got some glass in my fingers today at work as I was picking up some broken glass bare-handed (shh, dumb, I know). Fortunately, the slivers were big enough to just pick out, but they went in pretty good. Who the heck hides glass items at the BOTTOM of a box of clothes? Dump out the box onto the ground and CRASH!
Just my personal experience, take it for what its worth.
You need to get it out, I got a bunch of glass in my foot one time. I dug some out, started healing but would hurt if I stepped on it wrong. A week later I went to the doctor he dug a pea size piece out. Waited 2 1/2 weeks more, the hole was justed about completely healed, my foot slid of the edge of a carpeted step and I felt something again. I cut it back open and I could just feel another piece, this one was way down in there. I was still drinking then, so I sucked down a 1/2 fith of Jim Beam, I got the last piece out, It hurt worse the last time, and it took me 45 mins to flip it out. I would just go ahead and deal with it , you will be so relieved when it comes out plus you can get the wound clean before it seals any infection in it.
Definitely take it out. I stepped on a little shard of glass once, figured it’d work its way out of my foot, but it ended up getting slightly infected. My skin cratered around it and I had to go in to the minor emergency clinic to get it removed. Once the Dr cut it out, it was instant relief.
Go to a doctor or the ER. Glass shards can carry lots of germs and infect your foot big time. For your own good and for all of your future videos (Hint, Hint) goods, go get a proffesional to get it out.