getting my mom convinced

It’s fun, and in 35 years I’ve never had any injury more serious than a scrape. BMX and skateboarding, and motorcycles, however, have taken a greater toll. Yeah, tell her you want a pocketbike so you can train to be a stunter when you grow up. That’ll do it… Seriously, Mom, nothing to worry about. They are not dangerous. At all…really. Theres guys on here who’ve learned how in their mid fifties…and kids are made of rubber…(well, sort of)

Tell her that Elementary school pupils have to do it in Japan because they’ve added it to the school curriculum.

I’d say this, and promising to wear a helmet should show her that it’s a healthy and useful sport.

I haven’t had any bad injuries on my unicycle and I do 6 foot drops lol no but seriously I have had awful accidents on my bicycle that are far worse then on my unicycle. Other reasons are good balance, It’s unique , And lots of fun . where do people " MOM’s" get the idea that there so dangerous they are safer then driving on a high way in a car how many people die riding a unicycle in a year and how many people die or get injured driving on a high way in a car LOL :wink: Theres my point !

I noticed that, in contrast to riding a bicycle, while riding a uni, I have to pay more careful attention to where I am going. Thus, you are more circumspect.

My sister made a comment that unicycling “must be good for your brain.” And she is not stupid.

I go really fast on my BMX, but I can’t on my uni. I am forced to go slower. My mother doesn’t have to tell me to slow down when I’m riding my uni. (she wouldn’t anyway :))

That’s silly: naming an article on unicycling “FREE WHEELING”.

Unicycling is safer than playing a saxophone haha.

I fully agreed with pele!! :slight_smile: It is a lot safer then skateboarding or biking because you are in no time of your uni… and it doesn’t go fast…

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

My Pitch for Your Mom

I wrote this a couple of years ago this for some friends who were wondering about buying a unicycle as a present:

Because summer will be here before long I think about the young people who may not have a good activity to keep them occupied in idle moments. Unicyling is a neat thing to do and has enough challenge to keep any young person (or senior even) busy all summer and next summer too. Here are some of the advantages from a parent’s (or grandparent’s) point of view:

  • can be learned by children from age five upwards to 70+ (record is 93, I believe)
  • I know of two teens who were riding a few wobbly meters in about 20 minutes, a mature adult might take five to ten hours to do the same
  • it is fairly safe because the max speed is low with the rider close to the ground
  • if you fall you usually land on your feet, the uni will look after itself and won’t be damaged
  • because distance riding is not practical on a 16 or 20 inch wheel, the child will not (cannot) stray far from home
  • it is quiet (unlike a skateboard) saving parents’ and neighbours’ nerves - it is far more challenging than anything possible on a bicycle
  • not just a “boy” activity like skateboarding: skilled girls ride with an amazing balletic fluidity (lots of youtube videos)
  • people are generally positive about seeing unicyclists practise in parks or parking lots (helpful in fighting intergenerational grumpiness)
  • it makes a great common parent-child activity
  • it is excellent exercise improving balance, coordination, strength and general fitness
  • unicycles are not expensive starting at about $125, but for a good one expect to pay around $200-$300

Dear Clint’s Mom,

Why don’t you try unicycling yourself? It is fun, excellent for your balance, and a great ab workout. You do not want Clint to have all the fun! My wife is learning to unicycle and she is really old compared to Clint (but three years younger than I am.)

As far as safety gear for old people, I wear a helmet but have never had a fall where it came into play. The speed is never very fast and you cannot coast down a hill like you can on most other wheeled vehicles. I do wear wrist guards and would recommend them. I have scraped up my elbow, but that it about it.

Give it a try and let us know how you do. A Torker LX is a good starting unicycle if you are just going to roll around.

Dear Clints mum, please be aware of the fact, that the worst unicycle related that has happened yet is being told how to use the search function. There’s a pretty big chance of that happening, though. NEVER give Clint a uni. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a lot more people driving on the highway who DON’T die or get injured, at least not because they were driving on the highway. No, what we need to know here is how many percent of the “highwaydrivers” who get serious injured or die, and how many unicyclists get serious injured while unicycling. When you have found out, I would like a link to where you have found the statistics.

Oh boy, I’m getting boring in my old age (14) :stuck_out_tongue:

Any luck? :wink:

Hey mom!

There is less potential for road rash or trail rash when you are riding a unicycle. The injuries I’ve had on my mountain bike compared to my unicycle are a lot worse.

I’ve been MUni riding for 14 years and the only injury I’ve sustained was a twisted ankle from a 4 foot jump - that I knew I shouldn’t do. Always assess the risk to reward ratio before you do anything - on unicycle or other things. Don’t let anyone talk you into doing something that you are ready to do.

One of the reasons to unicycle is that you can do it for a life time.

You don’t get hurt often, Earlier today I UPD’ed going down a steep hill and landed on my feet.

I’ve never hurt myself w/ anything but a scratch or two from the pedal…

I could name many many sports that are more dangerous than unicycling and when learning you always land on your feet unless your unco TeeHee :roll_eyes: . And also It is more economical than bikes, here are my reasons:
1: less production sources.
2: when wasted ( witch will probably never happen:) ) There is not as much material so It won’t efect the enviroment as much.
3: Keeps you outside and active so you want be watching TV or playing on your brand new Xbox 360.
and this one is from me: It is so god damn fun.
good luck!! - Uni98 :sunglasses:

nice vid guy above my post, there is a link to it called ‘simplicity’ a guy snaps 70 bananas in 1 minute OMG!!

That banana guy rules, 1.2 bananas per second !!! I tried a clean split and what a mess it was:D

Just tell your mom that’s your new hobby, banana splitting, I’m sure she will support you unicycling then.

Give her the choice of getting you into unicycling, or out of a drug habit?