Getting into Trials, need help

Yeah but Cody also broke a crank clear off. The DX hub and cranks are really strong though.

yeah but honestly wot does cody not break? if people only bought cody-resistant parts then no one would buy anything!

I’ve looked more into the Qu-ax cross and I went to another thread talking about it. I notice that it has an Isis setup (though I have read that it isn’t as strong as a normal unicycle splined setup) and the frame accepts 42 mm OD bearings standard. I figure this would come in handy for upgrading to a Kris Holm or a Qu-Ax trials wheel & crankset later on. I know that it is possible to put 42 mm OD bearings on a 40 mm clamp frame, but I figure why not go with the exact size of I’m only paying $27 more. What ya’ll think?

and he bent the hub on his 24

I’ve always paid attention to what something, especially out of metal, what it is made of. 4130 CroMO is seriously tough stuff. They use it to mount aircraft engines as well serious off road trucks. To make a unicycle frame out of it you seriously have to beat it senseless to break it. I’ll take tensile strength to weight of metal any day. Thats why I am getting a new 07 DX

Keep in mind that if you get the quax cross you’re going to have to buy a handle unless you do absolutely everything sif.

problem is the welds, the actual metal will never break, its the welding point that always goes. Its like seatpost, even aluminium ones hardly ever break at the tube, its just the weld at the top… unless you tighten it too hard and crush it.

the quality of the weld is the difference on a uni frame. thats why a CNC frame should theoretically be much stronger. But its always the weakest point that determines the strength of somehting.

Oh, does he Qu-ax saddle not have a handle on the front? Oh well, no matter, I’ll put my Kris Holm freestyle on there.

So which is stronger, the DX or the Qu-Ax frame? The DX frame looks as though it has less contact area between the seat tube and the crown. I seems that the Qu-Ax has twice the amount of welding holding the seat tube to the crown. Am I wrong?

I recomend building a uni like one of the many people ahead of me already said OR wait and buy a kh uni. IMO stay away from torker you’ll be happeir with a KH when you realize that it isn’t required to uprgrade it, well at least for a while:D