Gallery of Broken Uni Parts

In the spirit of the “Gallery” threads, here’s one a bit more uni related. This is the place to post pictures of unicycles and uni parts you have broken.

I’ll start:
Here is a pic of my Stealth Torker hub after snapping while attempting a three stair hop. The uni was great to me, but couldn’t take my Trials tendencies.

stealth snapped hub.jpg

And here is a pic of the platform pedal I shattered on the same hop attempt that managed to snap the hub:

shattered pedal.jpg

Here’s mine…

tacoed wheel - wheel 2.jpg

I haven’t got much photographic evidence of stuff I have broken. I have a couple of left cranks with the axle broken off still in them, I’ll have to get a pic taken sometime. The bike shop couldn’t replace the right crank so I had to settle for two leftys. Andrew, you sure love your taco. Below is a photo of my first Unicycle. I snapped the frame where the lollypop bolts go on, and fixed it. The cotterpin cranks kept coming loose on the axle, and eventually wore out beyond repair, you can see the rusty remains of the axle sticking out, after being welded several times and then left neglected in the shed for a few years.

broken frame.jpg

Re: Gallery of Broken Uni Parts

and why would anyone want to do that?
start a MORE (if u dont mind!) uni related thread in just conversation?!?


but rowan, u gotta admit that is one kewl taco
i’d start a franchise based on a taco like that


I admit it is pretty cool if you like that sort of thing. I especially liked it in that thread where XWonka pasted it into the weird melting clocks picture. I have had a similar taco Unicycle before, but I just jumped on the wheel until it was straight enough to ride a bit further. I ended up snapping the axle soon after having the wheel rebuilt with a new rim. I have attached a picture of my Broken Kris Holm saddle. Alas for it was a good seat until it snapped, now it sucks. Luckily future models might not have this problem:

broken kh velo seat.jpg

Here’s my contribution, I wish I had pix of some of my other parts. I think the lasco’s were the most impressive bit of distruction though…



oh boy another 56K nightmare thread!

busted lollys anyone?

Come on, I know there are more people breaking stuff out there. I want to see it. Meanwhile, here’s my contribution:

This is the metal plate out of my Torker/Miyata I was using on my Summit Trials. That short screw on the side was one of two that snapped. Another of the screws was completely stripped where the nut should be holding, but I don’t have a pic of it yet.
