Gaah! Spider!

that thing is a monster!

man am i glad we dont get spiders that large here. We do have brown recluse though, which are lovely little spiders. If you are bitten by a brown recluse its venom will slowly eat your flesh away, how delightful. I also can’t forget the fatal black widow that i will occasionally find hanging out in my kitchen.

ok so you have spiders in Colorado

but do you have stupid chavs?

haha, luckily there are no chavs here in colorado. In fact, I dont think the majority of people in the states even know of chavs…thank god. We do have lots of boneheaded kids though, but we lack a word such as chav to group them all together.

id swap the chavs for the spiders anyday

I say brown reclouse spider

Dayum, in Britain! Thats scary.


so i just want to say thanks to all you guys who reposted the picture of the spider. i am pretty sure that i will be having nightmares about a spider that big trying to eat me in my sleep.

just in case you need clarification. spiders freak me out ALOT!!! when i was a little girl i would freak out, start crying, hyperventalate, and scream for someone to come and kill it before it killed me. i am getting much better now. i do my best to kill it before it kills me, and so far so good!

I like spiders…Ive always had a thing for creepy crawlies and wierd pets.

Ive owned (in order)
-4ft Ball Python
-3-4 Garter Snakes
-Rosy Tarantula
-Emporer Scorpion
-Countless Amphibians caught down at the pond

I had to get rid of most of these when i moved into the apartment i live in because they were not allowed… Also ive always wanted and Albino Spitting Cobra but my mom says not till i move out…Hmmm wonder why she would say that???LOL

Now before you ask I didn’t kill this uncommonly large fellow.
I used to be awful with spiders, and would try to squish them with the largest volume of the encyclopedia britannica I could find.
But as Jules once said to Ringo, “You happen to pull this sh*t while I’m in a transitional period so I don’t wanna kill you, I wanna help you.”
And so a birthday card went under the glass and Mr Spider left the building.
Half an hour later there was a knock on the door.
I didn’t answer in case it might be him wanting to come back in.

According to This you had an “Agressive House Spider” on your desk. They are not dangerous but as the name states they are very aggressive and he would have bitten you without hesitation. It was the male of the species.

It says that its quite rare to see them in a house though it does happen and that you will only see more of them as the summer draws to a close, Autumn is theyre mating season.

Just thought you might like to know:)

Its Britain. No spiders in Britain bite, I’m almost 100% sure of that… wait, make that 80%.


I said it bites…Not that its dangerous, just cause something bites you doesnt mean its gonna hurt you.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was hunting Into the Blue.

Sorry to put a downer on it but I’m afraid it’s more than likely Tegenaria duellica, which is the bog standard house spider. The Agressive one is far less common and on that link you gave trails_uni and also prefers places other than houses. The agressive one was introduced to the UK from N. America and is gradually spreading north.

There is one native spider that is poisonous to us and that is the water spider Argyroneta aquatica - which is very rarely encountered.

There is a tale of someone going into shock after being bitten by a crab spider but she was allergic. Crab spiders however can put down a cow, (they are extremely allergic) most often biting them on the tongue.

You definitely caught the male there. You’re more likely to notice them since they are wandering around looking for the females. If you find another male, it probably means you have a female somewhere hidden. They’re bigger than the males and can be quite a shock to find (but they won’t bite, honest, but probably best to keep using your beer glass). I went to my front door once and nearly had a heart attack because a female had decided to make a nest about eye-level in the door!!


This one time, I was picking up dog poop in our 18’ foot square do yard, and a spider about that big (only it was hairless, and bright colored) had made about a two foot web in one of the corners…I somehow managed to not notice it until I was over in that corner, and stood up with my face about 5 inches away from the spider.

I don’t think I’ve ever jumped away from something that fast.

Yeah monkeyman i thought that was wierd too…I was just re itterating what the site said… It does seem wierd doesnt it?

Samia wrote:

That’s it.
I’m moving house.

is it a spider or a daddy-long-legs?
edit: sorry I had not read the prvious posts … so I am wrong

I would appreciate it if you would kindly refer to them as parent-long-legs

Daddy-long-legs only have one body segment and have much thinner legs. They usually aren’t that big, either.

Incidentaly, their bite is extremely toxic, but their fangs can’t break our skin.