Gaah! Spider!

You ever catch something moving out of the corner of your eye whilst at the keyboard?
Here’s what caught my attention!

Not a big fan of spiders, but managed to have enough presence of mind to finish off my beer in one gulp and up-end the glass onto this beastie.
Yes, that’s a pint glass on him!
No doubt our Australian and American friends have nastier and bigger species, but by God, this one gave me a fright!

Do you kno what kind it is?? Is it dangerous?

Yumpin Yimminy! :astonished: :astonished:

I’d have dropped the beer and glass and been in the next county before they hit the floor.

i would have ate it!!!

Spiders totally creep me out. That ones got quite a legspan. I’d have musterred the presence of mind to smash him with something.

If I was lucky, I might have had the presence of mind to land on my feet as I jumped backwards out of my chair.

Amen, brutha! I would have shat.

Before or after you were in the next country?

Sweeet! I love spiders. Are you in the U.K? It’s probably just a harmless hunting spider, but it might not hurt to check it out a bit. is a good scource for spider identification. Just do a search.

BTW… no matter how much you may hate spiders, don’t kill it. Slide a piece of paper under the glass, under the spider, carry it outside and set it free. Otherwise you’re just helping the pest insect species that live around your place. I’m not an animal loving fanatic, but I still like to see live spiders over dead ones, they can be kind scary, but they are still pretty awesome.

Spiders are great as long as I don’t ever come in any contact with them.


Oooo, a spider, I was thinking.

EGADS!!! Yeah, I’d need a drink about then, too.
And maybe a nightlight.

Aww, how adorable!

What are you gonna name him?

I would name it dead on the scene.


It’s been said by those who say such things that a person is never more than four feet away from a spider.

I’ll have to get a photo of the black widow we caught behind my parents house when they lived in Las Vegas. It resides inside an acrylic paperweight on my desk. Another time we had one come in to our facility on a load of cedar from the northwest. Good times!

Holy crap, I think that might be the Coker of spiders

Oh come on, it’s just an itsy-bitsy little thing. Put it back in the garden.


Oh come on, it’s just an itsy-bitsy little thing. Put it back in the garden.


On the subject of spiders. I just remembered something written by an English guy who visited us about 10 years ago. His experiences following a meeting with a quite large spider in our kitchen follow. I am assured he is now out of the sanitorium and as well as can be expected. I am sure he will not mind if I publish the article here:

Interesting beasties: spiders. But here in the UK the worst (best) one is likely to see is the annual autumn visit of a 5 cm house spider.
( Nao: same species as in your beer glass I think)

You know: the species that runs across the carpet during Coronation Street. Incidentally I shall revise my low opinion of this program the first time I see a spider stop and watch it. (And by the way, today is October 1st 1995, decimalisation day in the UK, and had I described the size in inches I would probably have been arrested by the weights and measures secret police (private, United Kingdom only, joke)).
Spiders have 8.0 legs (decimal). I used to think that only tarantulas and bird eating spiders grew to any impressive sort of size, but in San Pablo City, Philippines, walking up someone’s kitchen wall (me, not the spider), I observed, with impressive scientific detachment, a beast with a good eight inch leg span. Imagine that in your rice bowl…poorly camouflaged but probably quite tasty if only you could grab it before it grabbed you. I anticipate this would be easier with the Philippine fork and spoon method of eating, than with the chopsticks favoured elsewhere in S.E.Asia.

The local people inform me that this spider has been seen eating the house lizard, an incredible edible creature some 3-4 inches long that can happily run upside down across the ceiling. This paragraph comes to an abrupt end as I am arrested by the afore-mentioned decimalisation thought police. I share my cell with a couple of spiders who tried to sell potatoes by the pound weight instead of by the metre. Oh what a tangled web of silly rules has been weaved by those who made up some of our decimalisation legislation.

Another brute,this time one of the great big hairy body and legs brigade, had a web that stretched across the road between a couple of palm trees and a telegraph pole. It hung there, fifteen feet or so above the middle of the road looking hungry. We decided that it preyed on local cyclists and stray carabao at night. Its size and obvious visibility would deter anything less that a late model Sherman tank, with full battle equipment, from risking passage along the road during daylight.
In the Philippines, it is very common to see armed guards outside banks, businesses, food shops and MacDonalds, armed with pump action shotguns and the like. You, like myself, will now realise that their presence has nothing at all to do with the risk of robbery or the food violently disagreeing with someone. We KNOW why the shotguns are REALLY needed there!

STOP PRESS… A friend says his spider watches Coronation Street, and has done ever since he squashed it as it crossed the floor in September last year.

I’m with Nao on this one. Definitely!

That’s one Big’airy spider!

My house has trees overhanging it, and spiders often drop in through the skylights. I don’t mind them and leave them alone unless they are Big’airy spiders. The ones we get look similar to the pic above, but have slightly shorter, fatter legs, and bigger bodies. They scare the crap out of my fiancee and they give me the creeps too, so they have to be thrown into the garden using a big plastic beaker and a piece of card (NOT paper as I’m worried they’ll bite through it or something). They must weigh a bit because when they hit the bush opposite our front door you can hear the thud!