funny/random movies and the lines

just here to list funny movie lines. please post the line, the movie it’s from. please also list the funniest random movies. I need some good random movies to see.

half baked

any line from the movie so funny
earth to matilda
you’re talkin loco and I’m loving it
(girlie like) cough cough, i think i got the black lounge pop
etc not enough time to mention them all

waynes world

some guy on stage: mic check, check one, check two
chris farlye:(yells into mic) Just two! Just two!


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills
I invented the piano key neck tie, what did you do, NTOHING!
he’s only got one look. One look one look
matilda di you see that, i turned left. ye derek you saved the malasian prime minister. that’s cool too.


-“This man needs to be taken to a hospital!!”
-“What is it??”
-“It’s a big building with lots of doctors but thats besides the point.”

-“Surely you can’t be serious!”
-“I am. And don’t call me Shirley.”

-“What’s your vector Victor?”

-“What’s our clearance Clarence?”

-“Roger Roger”

sorry if i got some of these quotes wrong I’m just trying to do my best from memory.


This quote is probably one of my favorite from the movie, so I have it memorized:

“We’ve got clearance, Clarence.”
"Roger, Roger. What’s our vector, Victor?

You’ve got to see The Leprechaun, funniest movie ever. It’s just really crappy (but it does have Jennifer Aniston in it) but yeah, jsut the things that leprechaun does… u must see!

Me and Nick have been trying to get out like… the leprechaun 6: leprechaun in the hood, but havn’t found any others yet. I wanna own all 6.

Also Nick found a movie which looks awesome aswell, The Lobster Man From Mars.

What are the chances… Zoolander is actually on tonight here.

can’t he transform into whatever he wants and he’s a huge pimp with the ladies.

a pat on the back for anyone who can guess the movie of this quote (johnglazer is not allowed to answer):

“Ah! Science, the pursuit of knowledge!”

Hey whats up. One of the greatest movies is Dodgeball. I laughed throughout the whole thing.



'First thou shalt take out the Holy Pin. Then, thou shalt count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out!
Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbeth thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.

Yes… I would have to say that is the best movie quote ever…