funny answers to unicycle questions?

great replys

heres a good one, we got it made into t-shirts.

no! im not from the circus…

im just much more talented than you!



I love that … haha great stuff.

Neighborhood kid: “Are you going to join the circus?”
Me: “Depends on what they pay.”
(And I was actually being serious)

For me when i get asked wheres your other wheel i just say that one wheel is clearly enough and carry on riding.

Wheres your handle bars i just looked shocked as if ive forgotten them then put my arms out as if holding onto a set of handle bars.

Any circus comments or if the circus theme song is sung i just wave my arms around as if juggling and carry on riding again.

I can be rather quick with comments back and depending on my mood and the tone of the comments given dictates my responses!

If pedestrians tell me that I’ve lost a wheel, I usually reply something like “Oh, right, but you lost even two wheels!” The same goes if they tell me that someone must have stolen one wheel from me.

But people are strange anyway: Once I was on the way visiting a friend and bringing a uni for her. I was riding my uni and had another one lying on my shoulder. With this I got the comment that I’d be carrying a spare wheel. I replied “Usually people keep telling me that I’ve lost a wheel. So now I’m carrying a second wheel with me and that is odd again, too?”
Of course I always say this with a grin. People think they have made a unique comment and even though they didn’t, I don’t have to frustrate them. I think by my response they’ll notice that in a friendly way.
(And off topic: When I’m riding my recumbent bike people sometimes ask me if I don’t fall asleep. A good response there is to say that people who ask me if I don’t fall asleep keep me from falling asleep.)

Once I was riding home with my 28" unicycle, someone
said ,"oh you’re trying to practise(learn)? ". I should have
said, yes I am trying to learn all the way home too, 3 km

one of my favorites, taken from Peanut,
hey, you lost a wheel
my response, Noooo I found one

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