French street riding and UniconXIII street runs


i moved the download page (right click, save target as…) for my vids, it includes:

-5 vids of me in Perpignan,FR and Barcelona,SP

-1 collaborative vid with other parisian riders : Requiem pour un mono with An’So, Mathieu R., Mathieu A. and by Mathieu H.

-5 Unicon XIII Street freestyle routines : Xav, Kevin, Wolfgang, Mathieu and me.

Enjoy !


I really liked Requiem pour un mono! When he fell over at the end it made me gasp, then laugh. Classic.


Totally awesome!

Cool videos!

I liked the bails at the end of street video 4, they looked painful. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Requiem pour un mono was an incredible video. I loved the beginning, and the editing throughout the movie was fantastic! Great quality, I’d love to see more vids like that on the internet!