Free stickers & cheap cranks/pedals!

Hey guys!
I just realised that I’ve got some stuff im probably not going to use, so I thought i’d put it up here :slight_smile:

First up, free stickers! I have quite a few random uni stickers lying around and others might get a bit more joy out of them than me, just pay a little for postage and you can have a few, i’ll limit it to one per person for now though :slight_smile:
EDIT: you can see the three types i’ve got in the picture.

Next, I have a pair of qu ax 145’s, the really light ones! The right crank is a little bent, not sure if anyone has any need for them but you can have them (and the pedals) for £10 + postage :slight_smile:

All KH stickers gone, I have 4 UDC ones left and about 20 nimbus ones :stuck_out_tongue:

could you ship to us the nimbus ones?

yeah, one sticker per person though, it’d be a bit unfair to send em all! PM me your address and we’ll sort something

How much for postage and packaging?

on a sticker? just £1 as a gift over paypal or something would be great!
would you like a nimbus or a UDC sticker, sorry, no KH ones left :frowning: