For Sale Nimbus uni with magura rim brake

Hi all at :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: My unicycle dreams are no more and I’m looking to sell my Nimbus uni with magura rim brake.

Any interest here or advice on where to sell?

Many thanks all

Where are you from ?

Hiya, ha yes of course I’m in South west UK :grinning:

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Where are you in the southwest UK

Totnes Devon. Where in the world are you?

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I’m in Exeter. Not too far away.

Hi, i might be interested, what size wheel os it and how much you looking for it?

Hiya, it’s a 29er and I’m looking for around £450.
Are you in the UK?
Thanks Kate

not to suggest your price is too high, but they cost that new.
29 inch Nimbus Road Unicycle - Black

Ah I hadn’t checked :smiling_face: thanks

Incan only find nimbus WITH brakes starting at £600. Am I looking I the wrong place?

Ah I see your looking at unicycle WITHOUT BRAKE. THANKS

I would be willing to go to £400 + postage :slightly_smiling_face: still interested?