Flatfish NNC CF Base

I have the front of my seat at a negitive angle

Still playing with the seat angle, pushing myself to ride with the seat flatter and flatter, riding the ghetto flat seat most because it’s on my muni, didn’t end up squashing a seat over the weekend so instead I shaved down my Freeride foam some more.

I think the foam is very important in getting a particular “feel”. The KH foam is way to thick as it comes, but when shaved down it is a little too firm. I ride without padding in my shorts, so maybe that would change things.

My favorite foam so far is the Nimbus gel pad “old style”.

@ Wes, post pics of your negative seat.

So far the Flatfish has met or exceeded my high expectations. I got a 40 mile ride in on it last weekend. It took a few stops and tweaking of the seat angle to get it where I think it will stay.

The foam and cover are from a KH Street seat. I still may play a bit with it to get it exactly where I want it. I didn’t glue the foam to the base as I found the cover to hold the foam in place enough for now.

The better support of the sit bones is fantastic. The added benefit is the lower handle and stiffness of the carbon base. It gives me more leverage when pulling up on the handle. The slightly farther reach took a bit to get used to, but the longer reach affords a lot more leverage.

Thanks Peter for making these available!

Not only did he make the seat base, he made an awesome seat base to boot!

The biggest thing for me is that Pete got the “flat seat movement” rolling, so now folks can buy ready made flat seat alternatives or even try their hand at making a ghetto flat seat.

I had a standard KH Freeride in my hands last night, and honestly, I can’t believe I rode that torture machine for as long as I did. Now my testes feel great, no rubbing or abrasion outside of what I’d expect from a bike seat.

I think there could be some foam tweaking, maybe making “dimples” for the sit bones vs using overly soft foam, or do like some bicycle seats and mold the dimples into the base.

On my seats I have been maintaining a little rise in the nose, the ghetto seat on my muni has the most with maybe an inch rising from the seat center to the bumper, and the Flatfish on my 36er has less with maybe 1/2" rising from the seat center to the bumper.

For muni I still like having a little rise in the nose, it helps with thigh control in tight turns and through tech stuff.

Still have no clue what “NNC” stands for! :thinking:

NNC stands for ‘No Nut Crush’.

Hmm. I think it’s something like “No Nut Crush.” A nice subtle name for a saddle, don’t you think?

I ordered a Nimbus Slim seat, should have it by this weekend for round three of the ghetto seat flattening. I’m curious to see what sort of pad they are using, I believe it’s similar to KH slim.

I rode tonight and it wasn’t until I got back home that I realized I have not had crotch pain or a crotch rash since going to a flatter seat, yeah!

The Freeride foam is way thick like Pete said, just cut it down on top, round the edges nicely, you can probably take enough off the center that you won’t need to boost the rear of the foam, that’s how mine workd out. I also thin mine on the sides. It’s easier to cut if the pad is glued to the seat base.

I think it was me that said that :slight_smile:

I have a Nimbus Slim (if you mean the one with the awful cover that looks like a bird shat on it). It wouldn’t be ideal for a cover/foam transplant because it is a stapled on cover. I think the eyeletted ones are easier to remove and reuse.

Was thinking of using the KH Slim for my other two Flatfish bases, but not too sure I want the grabby material on top. So I think I’m going get a couple of virgin Naomis for my sacrifice. I really like the slim foam and it has a very tough leathery cover, and comes eyeletted.

Ill post them up when i get home :smiley: i have ridden 23miles of muni the past 3 days and street and trials on my other flat seat.
My only issue is when you are climbing the front of the seat wants to fall out behind you but its easy to get used to.

Yeah, that’s the one.

I like the stapled covers because they don’t have a lateral seam to rub on my crotch and they are easier to glue in place.

All of the covers, even a street, are to big once you use a cut down foam and a smaller base.

I’m working mine up tomorrow as it’s suppsed to rain…

This is nonsense! The flat seat doesn’t slide out from under you any more than a curved seat. If you are riding in the saddle the friction is no different, and if you’re riding out of the saddle then there is no friction other than the grab handle and thigh grip both of which are unchanged with a flatter seat.

The only difference I notice between curved and flat saddles is that fore-aft mobility is increased, so you not as tightly wedged onto the seat, the result being that the uni can move back and forth easier.

Cross posting from bike seat thread:


Back on the Flatfish Nimbus Gel last night, much more comfortable than a bike seat, now using a handlebar based on an extendable stoker steam mounted to my seat post. I was able to reposition the bar a number of ways to see how it feels to have the handle up high, out front, and down low. My fav for muni was down low, more or less the same place I have my other handles mounted.

I think it would be better to have the handle extend from the seat at the same “plane” as the seat top, which makes me wonder how it would be if the seat were not so long; I feel like the best hand position for muni would be closer into the crotch.

I may go “crazy” on one of my seat bases and drill through the nose of the base and “flip” my seat base bar end mount so it exits through the seat top, that would place my handle high and keep it in close. I’d probably use a regular KH brake mount under the seat.

More to come including some pics…

I purchased these for a carbon base that I’m drilling and they seem like a good alternative to shortened T-nuts. They measure out as 14mm x 20mm x 5mm(thickness of material to be flush) and come in a 10pack.

T Nuts

Im sticking with this saddle for now.
although my feelings about it are not as glowing as some of the other users.

the setup i have is I used a brand new KH slim as my donor saddle.
I made some ‘dart’ triangular snips in the foam that spills over the side, to allow it to flatten. but kept the foam otherwise un adulterated
it sits nicely on the base and is kept in place nicely by the cover

I am using this on my geared 36
I also have a T bar handle.

I fine if i concentrate on pressing down on the handle bar, I can keep myself from slipping forwards and keep my sit bones where they ought to be.

but especially with the fore aft clunks with gear changes I find myself slipping forward and with my sit bones straddling over the waist of the sadle.
this is leading to some unpleasant numbness

Ive been reading the posts about this and keep coming up with a term I dont really understand ‘taint’
any how…
an suggestions on how to address this.

on reading the above posts a higher handle position may be sometihng to try next.

deffinately this seat has potential but its not working perfectly for me YET

The KH slim foam/Nimbus flat foam is terrible for riding any kind of distance. It is a very firm foam and becomes uncomfortable quickly. I trashed mine, I couldn’t get it to be comfortable, even a minicell foam topper.

The KH Freeride foam, even cut down, is still not that comfortable, but it’s usable.

The best foam, far and above, is the Nimbus Gel (KH Gel is probably the same).

Seat shape is important, padding type and shape is more important.

I wish there was a way to try seats, but it’s try “it on your own” until someone (UDC) has a seat trial process; like WTB does with their seats.

I suspect if they did offer one it wouldn’t include removing the foam to try on a different base :wink:

Taint = perineum.

taint the front, taint the back, therefores it be between, so we uns calls it da taint :wink:

How do you guys like the base so far??

The rage seemed to die down a lot.

Also what improvements would you make on it if any?

I’ve converted three of my Unis to the flatfish, and fourth Uni is about to be converted a different flat carbon cutout seat.

The first Flatfish prototype I reviewed was rather flexy. The new version is incredibly stiff- important for using handles because of the extra leverage. Pete reckons 10 time stiffer…the thing feels even more bombproof than my gemcrest carbon bases. Weightwise it saves about 200g on the plastic base, and you need much less foam, so saves probably another 100-200g too.