[Flat]New Year, New Frame, and New Tricks


wow… nice job on your 720s ;D they were super clean ;D
Treydouble was also nice :wink:

nice video…that´s sick after a break of five weeks :astonished:


Yeah, when I fist did the treydouble I was so surprised. I was only going for a treyflip. Kickflips were easy though; I just never tried them before. Maybe if I don’t ride for another 5 weeks I’ll land 900s and treytriples :stuck_out_tongue:

hey max awsome video youre getting really good

When did you learned 540s?

Sometime in Fall of '09.

Wow dude. Trey double was sick. Clean video.

hhmmmmm … quite boring… sorry…

yeah maybe :smiley:

I blame the song :wink:

Cool tricks though.