First (Occasional) Florida mUni Meetup


How’d the ride go, today? Sorry I couldn’t make it up your direction… 5 hours each way is a long way to drive on short notice :slight_smile:

John M

T minus one week and counting :slight_smile:

Okay, folks… the clock is ticking down, with a little over a week till the meet-up, so we’d like to get a head count of “definite”, “maybe”, and "no thanks/maybe next time"s so we can figure out how many people to expect and how much food we’ll need to bring. Also let us know if anybody needs sleepover space so we can dust off our couches and floors.

Also now’s the time to work out any required “loaner unis” for the ride, as well. Steveyo, will you be needing a unicycle from our stable this time around? If you’re bringing one down and taking requests, I’d pay good money to “rent” a geared 24 from you for the day ;D ;D ;D (my tax return this year is coincidentally about the price of a Schlumpf tempted). Burjzynkski and Unicyko, I think both of you had mentioned perhaps needing to borrow as well. Let us know, and we’ll arrange as best we can. Right now I think we’re okay with all the “maybes” and won’t have to dip into 20" territory on anything borrowed.

getting excited,

John M

John: I briefly thought about bringing my Schlumpf (it’s a KH29 guni), but I’m going to bring my KH24 single-speed. So I won’t need to borrow, but no guni this time. Anyway, I’m a definite!

We decided to postpone it till next weekend as to get it better planned. So if you or anyone wants to meet us up there we’ll be going this weekend most likely. Just PM me for further info.

We won’t be able to attend the ride because of school. If you decide to have any this summer we’ll be sure to come.

BTW you guys want to start a social group for Florida riders as to better locate eachother?

Sunday Ride

Just so it is official… I will be there and ready to ride. I’ll also bring the Pashley 26 out as a loaner. Do you want me to bring any of my camp stoves/grils for cooking?
Text me and let me know


Ill Be there.


As Jason said so it is official I will be coming on Sunday, with Steveyo in tow.

I will bring the buggers, buns and hotdogs.


A Grand Success

It was a blast to get to ride with everyone yesterday. Ride with some friends, made a few new ones, no injuries but a few good falls, all in all a great day. We definitely need to try to arrange a few more gatherings before the heat really rolls in.
John great idea.
Steve It was great meeting you and hope to see you next time you come south
Adam it was so good of you to come out of retirement, even if only for the day.
Ed cant wait to see the pic and Videos


man, i wish i could come I am up by Muni Sano, if you ever do one a little more to the north defiantly post something here . have fun!

I enjoyed myself and the fancy dinner afterward was a nice touch. I just wish I would have remembered my bike shorts!

Couldn’t agree more, heng7573le92 reported

John M

Sounds like you guys had some fun. Wish I could of been there!
Could anyone tell me of some good Muni trails up around North Florida?

What part of Florida are you in? Santos has some AMAZING trails.

I live in Panama City and am willing to travel 3 or 4 hours for a good ride.

I’m telling you guys if you’re willing to drive as far “north” as Oak Mountain State Park in Birmingham, Alabama. You won’t be dissappointed. There is an “almost” IMBA Epic trail there. The Double Oak Mountain Trail is ~17 1/2 miles of single track bliss; one continuous loop that varies in difficulty. I love it; I’ve done this loop several times and once did it twice back to back for ~35-36 miles all told in ~6 hours on my KH24 w/ 150mm cranks. So if you’re into a longer muni epic this is a pretty good spot. It can be done on a 29er as well, possibly a 36er though some stretches wouldn’t be as fun. Cheers. Drop me a line if you get a hankering to head up “north.”

But at least we were extra safe. Thanks again for the great ride, you guys!

Glad you could make it down. Safety first, not last! Great lesson learned.

when are you going to show pictures?

I want to thank everyone that was able to make it out to the meet-up for making it a great afternoon. It was a blast getting to ride with you all, and to ride with you all AT ONCE :slight_smile:

Some of the hilights for me, just to list a few of many:

  • Steve bravely following (and also leading ME down) some of the gnarliest bits of trail we crossed... clean or UPD it was always impressive
  • Ed cruising up and over (and back down the other side) of some stuff on that no-brakes KH29 that I didn't expect
  • A glorious farewel-come back ride with the legendary Adam "Airbourne" Bourne
  • Adam and Steven managing to squeeze in a 2-mile speed loop on demo bikes in between the other riding we all did
  • Steven trooping bravely along through some stuff that might've pushed the envelope a little... keep on keepin' on, big guy :) it's great watching you steadily improve
  • Heck, it's been gratifying watching ALL of you improve... I feel like some sort of proud unicycle papa, even if I [i]am[/i] younger than most of youse ;P
  • Jason getting so sick of grilling, by the end of lunch, that he didn't even cook himself a hamburger when it was all said and done (thanks again)
  • ...and Carol, Mrs. Come-back-from-a-broken-arm-UPD, taking the opportunity to practice (what was it...) 250+ freemounts while we were gone?!
We definitely have to do it again some time soon, and maybe it'll work out better for some of you stragglers who weren't able to make this one :D

MuniSano, thanks again for the invite… if I’m passing through that way, I’ll definitely try to meet up.

thanks again for a great ride with a great bunch of people.

John M

John, you’re the man, thanks for organizing the Florida Muni Fest. I hope we can all get together and do it again sometime (sooner than later). Carol and I had a great time. It was well worth the trip to ride with everyone. The good pointers everyone gave her yesterday resulted in her doing 10 repetitions of 30 feet today.

Michaelgoround, is a great website of mountain bike (and muni) trail reviews in the country. In Florida the closest MTB park I know of for you is Tallahassee’s Tom Brown Park.

Steven: I couldn’t have organized it alone, and it wouldn’t have been very special ride if I was the only one who showed up, now would it ;D

John M