First 2 Set Stair Jump

This is my first time jumping any more then one stair, which is only about 35 cm off the ground I can easily clear another 6 inches on a straight edged object. But for some reason the spacing of stairs has messed me up jumping it static so here it is.

Vimeo - 1228268

Or if that doesn’t work my Youtube page is in my siggy.

it’s prvt !!!

but I got youtube!!

good job

No offence, who realy wants to watch a 8 second shot of you sidehopping a 2set? You would be better off saving up your best shots and making a longer vid IMO.

Hmmm it seems wrong seeing people hop up things as small as a 2set SIF. Find a 3set and just go for it, maybe go for it static, Im sure you will be able to do it and I think you will be happy to find that it will force you to develop a tuck.

WOOO! You are a little cranky. You need to get your unicycle back before your anger ruins yourself on the forums.

Good job on the two stair, try doing a rolling hop up it now.

He’s not being cranky, it’s the truth.

Hmm yea I am pretty cranky, My parts are now in the post though so I will hopfuly get them tomorrow or saterday :slight_smile: ending my depression.

Uh I think its alot down to how you read it, it was actualy not ment to be offensive atall.

well who wants to watch your videos, answer honistly :wink:

tut tut tut :stuck_out_tongue: Well done, try static or rolling next, then something bigger.

his answer is silence so far :slight_smile: