Unless you don’t know how to use the internet, and maybe even if you do, you know that Mozilla’s Firefox 3 comes out tomorrow. You’ll notice in the link that Mozilla is trying to break a world record by having the largest amount of downloads in a 24hour period, on June 17th, 2008. I support Mozilla wholeheartedly, so I’ve already pledged to DL and urge others to do so. I honestly don’t know what my internet experience would be like without Firefox and it’s many useful extensions and features. FF3 just seems to be another great installment on the browser path of success. So if you can pause your porn downloading for just a minute or two tomorrow and click on Mozilla’s website and download that browser you’ll be happy you did, since it’s better than the browser you’re currently using I’m sure and your porn will download even faster because of it!
firefox 3 has been out for a while in beta and test forms, iv had beta for months
Well, if it makes my porn downloads faster…
You’re confused. Firefox 3 Release Candidate has been out and about for testing and community feedback for a while. It’s not a beta.
The real thing comes out tomorrow. Download it then.
You’ve sold me!
Downloading/buying software it’s first month out, even if it’s been extremely beta tested, has always seemed like a game of russian roullette to me.
This is a bit different than wasting 600 bucks and then some to buy some new fangled over-hyped phone the first day to become trendy hipster wannabe, only to find out that you got screwed and if you’d waited a year you could have got the 3g version for less half the price just like all your educated friends told you. Theres no reason not to get it right away, since it’s free, and you’re going to download the same file regardless of when you get it. Having it first just means you’re more likely to get the updates first since it’s automatically updated, and it supports the company who provides it as a free service, which is extremely commendable to say the least. The RC is proof that getting it right away isn’t shooting yourself in the foot.
Actually I’m not confused, it had 5 beta’s, and then 3 release candidate’s,
and when I said testing i meant the Release Candidates, I just had forgot what the actual name of it.
I’m going to download it from FileHippo on the 19th.
FileHippo rocks my freakin socks
What’s Filehippo?
A download site for quality selected freeware for Windows
would you say it’s more or less safe when i comes to viruses/spyware (filehippo)?
any of those kinds of websites for macs? i need photoshop and some other editing programs…
umm, websites like those, only have free software, your not gana get photoshop on um, but i can google a program called Gimp, it comes in a mac version and its 100% free
here is a link
it seems safe, iv been using it for a while for stuff and iv had no prob’s
FileHippo is safe. It’s not a warez site. You’re not going to get a trojan there.
I tried FF3 RC2 a week or so ago, but it didn’t work with a lot of my plugins so I uninstalled it and went back to FF2.
I pledged to download it tommorow… But if it doesn’t work with my add ons then screw it.
I haven’t even tried it yet. My geek cred is going to suffer.
I’m assuming this phone thing happened to you?
Anyways, new software is rarely stable, even with extensive beta testing. I don’t want to have to deal with random crashes and bugs. I’ll wait until a month or so after the huge release and stick with my stable version until then. This also gives all my plugins plenty of time to work out their bugs with the new version too.
Why put up with buggy software just to be the first on your block to get it? I know it’s been extensively tested and it’s now in final release version - but we all know that there will be a slew of updates in the first month it’s out regardless. I’d rather wait and not deal with that.
Slew of updates? What? I don’t remember that occurring with Firefox 2.0, and even if that were the case, Firefox updates automatically.
By not upgrading you are just missing out on all the improvements. Firefox 3 runs significantly faster and consumes less memory than other browsers, including Firefox 2. I’ve been using each of the betas and release candidates of Firefox 3 as they’ve come available and I’ve had no issues at all. The Mozilla team just keeps making it better and better.