fines for unicycling?

Rob - I recalled I’d seen this here somewhere and found it here:

Hopefully clarifies the UK situation

Perhaps the Traffic Sign Regulations 1994:

i think its absolutely ridiculous that you got fined. absolutely freaking ridiculous. lol they want you to wear a helmet…so they set you back another 80$, delaying getting a helmet lol.

however as a regular helmet wearer, i really disagree with you about how you said “how can you get hurt at 5kmh.” Although I have never ever hit my head once unicycling or bicycling, the recent tragedy with that actress that was skiing set me off. She barely hit her head and within an hour was in critical condition because of swelling…and later died.

after that happened i told myself i wouldnt uni without a helmet ever again.

and now its a standard for me, just like my shin guards always have been as well. I cant even ride without my helmet on…i feel like im missing something and am just heading into a world of disaster. not to mention without my helmet all of my abilities are cut to about 50% just becuase i lose a bit of confidence

For John:

Up until recently I think pedestrians included wheeled recreational devices in NZ too. Footpath and sidewalk are both self explanatory terms. Pavement could be confusing cos there are a lot of paved surfaces.

As far as I can tell, yes that does mean we are allowed on the road with no helmet, and we are still allowed on the footpath. Pedestrians don’t wear helmets and they are allowed on the road.

That last bit was written before the laws changed and a unicycle became a wheeled recreational device and w.r.d.'s became non-pedestrian, but still allowed to ride on the sidewalk/pavement/footpath. By the sound of it protective gear is advised but not enforced. I also read another website somewhere which said mutual respect is the law, eg the pedestrians must not unecessarily hinder your passage on the footpath just as you must not harm them or get in their way. Mopeds or Motorbikes on the footpath (e.g. couriers or mail delivery) will need to give way to pedestrians and wheeled recreational devices.

Just now I found this interesting tidbit, which should help with my upcoming case:

They are writing it as if it didn’t already apply- well it did until they changed our definition from pedestrian to non pedestrian so they had to make a new law to clarify that we are still treated like pedestrians!!!

I believe the first few paragraphs of that were lifted from a post that I made about 10 years ago. I later realised, after reading more legislation, that the definition given in SI 1994 No 1519 applies only to SI 1994 No 1519.


A couple of weeks ago I had a meeting with the Police. Toni Haggart finally apoligised after many years for the suffering she caused when she unlawfully took my unicycle (she was still convinced she did it lawfully even though the Senior Sergeant said she was wrong). A notice went up on the Police Bully board (a bulletin joke which is a little too close to the truth since Police were unfairly bullying me) telling them not to harass unicyclists unless they are causing trouble. Specifically unless someone gets hurt and someone makes a complaint there is nothing wrong with riding on the footpath.

So I had my court appearance on Monday. I had one a while back too but that was a preliminary hearing. I used a similar arguement as I did last time, saying I was just being safe, travelling sustainably and the Police are unfair to issue fines for such orderly behaviour. I quoted Morley vs the Police, and the Police tried to say that it was old information and that they have interpreted up a new definition for unicycles which has it falling into the category of a vehicle (without changing the definition of vehicle). So they said “don’t listen to Rowan’s arguement it is based on old info and now we know its wrong”. I thought this was rather cheeky of them, but the justices deliberated, came back out, and said to the Police- your new definition doesn’t seem right cos of the lack of an if and an and, and there is a but" or something they got their legal terms messed up! I was so stoked to win this round, but unfortunately the Police have the right to appeal and waste more court time, and they are going to.

Hopefully round three will be a knockout for me, and we can ensure that NZ police will not have ambiguous laws about unicycles by the time Unicon comes. It may well take a long time since this has been brewing for over a decade.

hey dude, Australian federal law requires all human powered vessels (including unis) must wear a helmet ina public place. BUT there is a loop hole, you can ride it helmetless in a recreational area (skate parks, reserves, etc).
sorry if this question has been answered already, i just CBF readin the entire thread.

You’d better hope they don’t make a very unambiguous “no unicycles on the road or in public places” law…

Wow thats pretty serious if you ask me

in the uk police only tell you to get off ( if your on a wall or something ) but they never hasel you for doing flatland or just riding one !

I think the police take small things too seriously and should be chasing drug dealers etc instead of chasing us uni guys/gals around ( you would never have got into this mess if the police were more leaniant towards uni )



Yeah, you should always wear a helmet in case a drunk driver decides to end your life, tho apparently wearing a helmet will make no difference in that case. Good point!

Maybe I should order you some logic.

In any case, my $.02 is that the original poster will be able to get out of his fine simply by showing up in court with the relevant info and by making a good case for himself. And riders who just go for a calm ride certainly don’t need helmets any more than joggers or skateboarders. It wouldn’t hurt, but it’s only a tad more useful that waving anti-tiger powder while standing on a sidewalk in NYC. I’ve tried this, and apparently it works: I’ve never been attacked by a tiger.

I have never had to deal that much with police while unicycling and I do it everywhere (even on sidewalks and downtown areas). I’ve only dealt with them twice and only one time was a nussance. Aparaently you are not allowed to ride around the FAMU campus on weekends or something like that.

The only run in i ever had with the police, well gardaí was in Dublin.
Was unicycling towards a guard down a pedestrian street. He gave me quite a look and then smiled at me. I slowed down and then offered him a go, to which he accepted. It was quite funny

I suppose that it depends if many people unicycle in your area and how the public feel towards unicyclists. If one of peevs of a policeman/woman in our own area, they will be against all unicyclists…Well thats how i would see it anyway.