Film review thread

write reviews on movies here.
I just saw In Bruge. it was very good. first movie i;'ve seen in ages cos most movies nowadays are shit. but yeah it was heaps good.
very funny, and actiony. good movie over all. i recommend you guys to see it. im probs gon go see it again.

hahahahaha, success story of the fucken year right here hahaha.

Most movies coming out this month look awesome… oh and quantum of solace in October!

Mars it would help if you could write properly… I’m not sure that your first post actually makes sence at all :smiley:

I’m looking forward to Choke.

Anyone seen this trailer?

i can write perfectly fine if i wanna, i just don’t really care that much so i don’t put the effort into it. and it made sense plenty fine… anyway go see in bruge.

I kind of want to see Religulous. just so i can see how many people take religion to the extream (w/ out going overboard (terrorrism and stuff)).

If anyone sees it please right if it was any good.

Also Lakeview Terrace.