Fast Unispin Techniques

Lately I have been wondering about spinning techniques, and how people can spin unispins so fast. I have landed quite a few 720 unispins, but I just haven’t managed to get them consistent. So here is the question; those of you who can do 720+ unispins, how do you spin the unicycle so fast? Do you have any special techniques that you use? I know it will come with practice, but I was just interested in whether there are any specific little things that help a lot.

I’m away from home right now, but when I get back I wouldn’t mind maybe throwing together a quick tutorial or making a longer write up for you. I’ll be back Wednesday, I’m sure I could have it done by the weekend.

You should start by putting down your uni. You can spin faster when the unicycle is under you and not in front of you.
When you hold the unicycle so the handle points towards you, you need to put a lot of strength in your backhand.
Three general tips: Jump high, spinfast and have no fear :slight_smile:

This is what work for me :smiley: and ofcourse practice!

Yeah I unispin ridiculously slow I think, a tutorial would be great.

I used julias tutorial to lern to 180 unispin. i spin super slow also.

Thanks a lot! I’ll look forward to it!

Thanks for the tips! I lowered my seat a couple of weeks ago, and although it took some getting used to, it did help for some things.

Thanks for the tips! I lowered my seat a couple of weeks ago, and although it took some getting used to, it did help for some things.

It probably doesn’t help a lot doing rolls… But when you do big spins and flips you need to be able to get the uni under you and that is hard with a high unicycle.

Btw. watch Shaun Johannesons 720 unispin tutorial! It might help even though it’s a little old :stuck_out_tongue: