Fall-City Oregon (a pictorial look)

Those are some great looking trails. We don’t have huge trees like that down here in So. Fl., looks like a whole different world.
I hope you get into the DVD, use your charm :wink:

  • Frank

yeah those trees are exacly why the Moab and even the Cali MUniweek-end scare me.its so nice to be in the shade for most of the trail.

Charm? oh yes,thats my gift to the world :o

ok so Joe the video guy took alot of footage last saturday.the new trail is so steep i spent most of the day on my ass but managed to clean a few lines.

this link norware.com will take you to a menu,just click on the 3.7 version label with my name to see some of the results.

i think i may have shown enough to sneek into the final DVD come this fall!

Holly crap. No way. Nice!


Nice off-camber drop landing Jagur! That does look like a cool riding area.
As for the heel pain, I have had that and it is aggravating. The heel inserts, air-sole shoes and staying off my feet as much as possible seems to have cleared it up. I never thought of putting omeletes in my shoes.

U-turn, I hate to hear that about your knee. Be sure you have a good doctor and do what he/she says. Good luck.


yeah theres always someone whoopin it up on those trails.i hope that gets edited or drowned out by the music.

hey thanx,theres only a few places to stick the tyre so its kinda the only way i know to ride that spot without bailing or gaining to much speed.its hard to tell how steep that stuff is but i had my brake on the whole time and wouldnt have tried without.