Ive heard they are bad for you, I have also heard they are not bad for you. There are many rumors about it. A friend told me the ingredient “taurine” [which is added for energy] is bull urine. I looked it up on wikipedia and it states that it is an amino acid that is abundant in animal urine but is also found in plants and that the name taurine comes from the latin “taurus” which means bull. Another ingredient is “gaurana” which I also looked up on wikipedia, it is a plant in which each seed has three times the amount of caffine as a coffee bean.
I drink energy drinks for enjoyment, I do not drink them for energy. I am a fourteen year old boy, I have enough of my own energy. The reason I drink them is because I enjoy the unique flavor of them. The only ones I really ever drink are Monster, Amp, and Cherry amp. Discuss.
Instead, I drink my own urine for energy and to build muscle. Hit me up on MSN and I’ll send you some topless pics of myself if you don’t think it works.
energy drinks are good until u want to be calm when u ride and u cant concentrate on what you are doing…
they also have b12 and they put extreme amounts of it in the drinks…it wont kill you and i think its fine to drink them just dont get addicted all crazy like people do with cigarettes…
try mixing amp with gatorade! its pretty good…
Something of interest. My friend who drank monster so often, he started to perspire an orange color.
Another friend of mine got rushed to the hospital after complaining about not feeling well. He had 6 giant monsters that day before noon. When he reach the hospital, they said nothing was wrong with him. Can’t prove that those drinks did cause it, but I am sure it didn’t help.
Is it bad for you? Maybe for some. Should you drink more than 2 or daily? I wouldn’t for sure.
What I feel is good about energy drinks is that they stimulate the mind as well as give your body energy.
The comment about b12 is a load of shit. B12 is in most energy drinks and it helps blood flow(among many other great traits of the vitamin), which will give you clearer thoughts and more long term energy. Also there is not nearly a ton of that vitamin in energy drinks, even a couple hundred percent is not alot, I usally take super B vitamins that have %'s in the thousands.
Coffee(caffeine) is a good jump start. The supplements in energy drinks do more than that. They have caffeine to give you the jump, but also have many usefull other ingredients to give you stamina along with your burst of energy.
Tho, you should be carefull with them. I see them very much as a drug. Some of them even have forms of mild speed, which can and will effect your heart rate, and can be addictive. It will also allow your body to funciton without feeling the need for water and food, kinda good if your broke and want to uni all day… tho just as drug addicts do, you will come down, and your body and mind will be lacking the things it really needs.
If yer goona spend 3 dollars on a redbull or monster, spend and extra 2 on a big water. Its the only way the stuff works well day after day.
By the way gatorade is crap, talk about wasting your money on a drink. If you really enjoy the taste go for it, but dont use it to hydrate, might as well be drinking soda.
Gatorade, as said above, is useless, (tasty), and mostly harmless. I don’t go near any caffeinated energy drinks, since they are wayyy overloaded with caffeine as well as having other addicting chemicals in them.
Great energy drinks to use (I use all the time when I go long distance [bi]-cycling) are energy drinks in powder form. At a LBS, I look for either Cytomax or Amino Vital. They are sold in giant tins, and are great if you are on the road because you can pack individual pouches just to add to bottled water.
The best part, they both have amino acids (and possibly whey protein, or is that another drink?), they don’t use addicting chemicals or caffeine, and they work great. When going on hundred mile rides, I live off this stuff and it works great!
Actually, no. One time at a friend’s house, we stayed up through the night using a four pack of Monster each. We all finished them, and we’re all not-dead.