Well, 1wheeledgrape said there are other threads. Heres mine.
Okay, wikipedia is discredited for some of their knowledge, our schools say nothings true in there, but some things are.
Saying Emo is a subgenre of punk, is like saying that, dont get me wrong, ‘the fundinmentalist mormans’ is a sub religion of Mormanism. It arguably is, but I know some (maybe a lot) of mormans HATE being associated with them. Its an extremist group of a normal group of people.
I hate when someone refers to music i listen to as emo. I listen to punk. People have to learn what emo means, and from the artists i listen to, i doubt their emo.
I mean, some 'emo’ish music can be good, but i dont like my music being associated with them. Emo people, in my opinion, have many many self inflicted problems that they blame on other people. You never see an emo person saying, ‘i’m sad that my boyfriend left me, becuase i cheated on him with his enemy blatantly, and now i’m cutting for that reason’.
I mean, i know a few people who do cut a little, but i’ve known em longer than that.
emo music DOES NOT EQUAL punk.
Punk -
Emo -
i dont mean to offend anyone, anyway. I’m just trying to state i dont like my music being associated blatantly with emo music. I also dont mean to offend religiously, i’m not racist, sexist, specieist, or anything, i’m a libertarian, left field liberal. Do what you want, be who you feel free to be, no ones holding you back, if you have a problem with someone, dont listen to their crap.