Emo vs. Punk, (Emo Isn't Punk)

Well, 1wheeledgrape said there are other threads. Heres mine.

Okay, wikipedia is discredited for some of their knowledge, our schools say nothings true in there, but some things are.

Saying Emo is a subgenre of punk, is like saying that, dont get me wrong, ‘the fundinmentalist mormans’ is a sub religion of Mormanism. It arguably is, but I know some (maybe a lot) of mormans HATE being associated with them. Its an extremist group of a normal group of people.

I hate when someone refers to music i listen to as emo. I listen to punk. People have to learn what emo means, and from the artists i listen to, i doubt their emo.

I mean, some 'emo’ish music can be good, but i dont like my music being associated with them. Emo people, in my opinion, have many many self inflicted problems that they blame on other people. You never see an emo person saying, ‘i’m sad that my boyfriend left me, becuase i cheated on him with his enemy blatantly, and now i’m cutting for that reason’.

I mean, i know a few people who do cut a little, but i’ve known em longer than that.

emo music DOES NOT EQUAL punk.

Punk -

Emo -

i dont mean to offend anyone, anyway. I’m just trying to state i dont like my music being associated blatantly with emo music. I also dont mean to offend religiously, i’m not racist, sexist, specieist, or anything, i’m a libertarian, left field liberal. Do what you want, be who you feel free to be, no ones holding you back, if you have a problem with someone, dont listen to their crap.

punk -

emo -

Haha, you feel really strong about this. I think punk would win since ‘emo’ is self defeating bullshit.

I think your a closet emo, come on out, it’s ok emo boy. Haha…


Musics my life, I’m actually gonna buy a record player sometime, then get a bunch of old 78’s and 45’s, of the ramones, some GD (more original stuff than 1039 smoother out slappy hours, liek the albums that made that album up, and a bunchhhhhhhhhh of the clash, the romanes, and anythign else)

lol… closet emo. Your funny. I used to act a little emoish, now i dont, i’m more mature than getting caught up in senseless drama. Reason i’m not in a relationship.

‘Hell yeah’ is kind of unnecessary. Putting emo up to ANYTHING is like making a premature baby fend off a fighting dog.

I want some drama, gigity gigity gigity.

lol… that should be sigged, but my sigs full.

The music style or the so-called “life style”?

Music: emo
The way you act/dress/whatever: Neither. (but definitly not emo.)

I like rock. Too bad neither of these are deserving enough to be put into the ‘Rock and Roll’ category.

To each his own, though.

(boy I’ve been saying that a lot lately)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for another emo thread!

Mayralin Manson isnt emo, hes just f***** up.

Dam emo kids, cheer up.

This is different, this is Punk VS emo, not veiws on emo kids. This is the Punk Genre, vs the Emo Genre. You have it WRONG.

do not click that link. i felt like adding a link, but i didnt have anything to say for a link.

punk -


Lol, you should have linked him to a fail site.

Punk music is awesome. I have no problem with emo music either. But… EMOS PISS ME OFF. Especially the stupid spoilt ones with all their fancy clothes and acsessories that their apparent “unloving” parents buy them.

Fact: Most emos are bisexual because they think that when your a emo, its the “norm”.

Fact: No emo has ever commited suicide.

Fact: Unicycling is the ultimate non-conformist sport. Which = punk.

I dont like this pic… Looks like this kitten has got some sort of eye disease similar to gluacoma. Meaning its probably blind.


Lol romanes.

You’re 1 post off 1000 if you didn’t notice.

You associate unicycling with punk? lol I just associate it with being different.

2 “emos” made a suicide pact and committed suicide. But yeah I’d say 95% are just posers lol.

EDIT: you just made your 1000th post Chris :wink:

haha. Yeah. Dude, if i go to Unicon 15, i’m going to bring all my hardest punk cd’s, and we should party like hell.

no clue if i’m allowed to go really… I want to.

I would bring all my cd’s, everything, and were going to party like its 1989.

yeah, the romanes lol. My uncle was drunk one day, and he read me shirt, and aparently in his eyes, the ramones sounds awfully like ‘the rambones’. lol.

Why does it matter how other people classify what music you like? Why do you care if someone calls you emo? Why is that offensive? Is there something wrong with being emo that you would take offense at being called such?

Emo v. Punk? Two sides of the same coin. It’s all music. Listen to what you enjoy, regardless of who puts what label on what band.

Aren’t you by trying to be a non-conformist, conforming to the ideals of being non-conformist? Who cares if unicycle is “punk”?

I stopped trying years ago to categorize the music I listen to. I just listen to what I like. I think its stupid to refrain from listening to a certain group because they don’t fit into your “musical identity” as a “punk,” “emo,” or some other bullshit arbitrary label.

thats what i’m saying when i said, some of the music i listen to is emoish. (hehe… emoish = amish), I listen to a lot of stuff. I listen to GD, White stripes, gorillaz, the clash, the ramones, the presidents of the united states of america, U2, weezer, Foxboro Hot Tubs, Pinhead gunpowder. A lot of different styles, but i dont like it when someone will take Green day, and call them emo. A large majority of their fans have conformed themselves to being emo, and consider green day emo sorta. Green day is punk, they were punk, and they always were. I can argue all day about GD, i know a lot of their history.

Dam 1000 posts… I kinda don’t wanna ruin it lol. O’well.

Unicycling isn’t normal. Its diffrent, there for it is a non conforming sport. I don’t try to be a non-conformist, I just am one. Whats normal to me isn’t normal to others, therefor to a third party view I am considered a non-conformist.

Also, I think your missing the point of the thread. I already said I don’t mind emo music, but I hear alot of songs and don’t like them and think hmmmm… I don’t like this, it sounds a little too emo.

And yes, yes dude, come to unicon, bring all your cds, Its gonna be freakin amazing.

haha… I just imagined the funniest thing…

Pilch running rampid around wellington nude, and playing chocobo world til 5am. lol…

anyway. Yeah, really, you cant get some artists wrong, unless their wimpy pussy emo music. The most serious of songs sound emo. Listen to having a blast, by green day. The songs about killing himself and people.