eenwieler wedstrijdje


ik (roos seegers) ben een eenwieler wedstrijdje (hoogspringen en trial) aan het organiseren in nederland. voor meer info kun je op deze website terecht:

ik hoop dat er wat mensen zijn die het leuk vinden om te komen :slight_smile:

Anyone know what this guy is saying? I have a feeling it’s spam…

I am a girl… and this is a dutch side right?

I made a competition for trial and high jump in the Netherlands. thats what i sad ^^ with a link for the webside.

Hey Juni, i think you are just careful but this is no spam.
I dont understand any dutch word (only english and german) but i know her and she is just new in the forum :wink:

Welcome to the forum roos seegers.

Juni, google translate is a good tool to translate post. :smiley:

Yeah sorry for jumping the gun a bit. I saw it was a first post, and it had a link in it (pretty much what every spam I delete has)

I will remember to use a translator in future…

Welcome to the forum Roos Seegers :slight_smile:

Roos, rijd je ook muni of langere afstanden of alleen trials en freestyle? Ik zag dat je voorheen veel op facebook hebt gepost.

I am a girl… and this is a dutch side right?

Lololo when the dutch language looks like spam

And now everyone wonder if THIS is a joke are a real SPAM, including myself lol

(because it’s also a first post and the link in persan language , I precise it in case this post is deleted)

Hou me zeker op de hoogte Roos. Ik denk dat we zeker willen en kunnen helpen bij het organiseren.
