Hey, I am a beginner unicyclist( well about 3 years but i haven’t been keeping up so I still suck) but I have a hard time staying motivated. I would like to have a few peoples MSN messanger accounts or Yahoo messanger accounts so that I could have some one to learn from and have actual conversations, there are a lot of things I need help on and I think being able to talk to people “realtime” would help. thx. I’m 16 right now if that makes a difference to you.
most replys is like a chat room, we have actual conversations in there
all 4 of mine have little icons underneath my profile to the immediate left of this post, and if you view my profile they’re listed there as well.
i dont use msn but feel free to email me at one_wheeler@hotmail.com
I have mine under my avatar thingy, but it’s Frigadosis_69@hotmail.com
Well I have AIM… dudewithasock…
and my Yahoo email address is dudewithasock@yahoo.com … no other Instant Messagers though.
you should be taken out behind the shed.
The only reason I use MSN is because that’s what everybody else uses despite my protests.
I only use msn. forestuni@hotmail.com