Duct tape shoes...

Duct tape? no…Gaff is the way! Gaff fixes everything - it even got used in our last theatre show by one of the girls as a push up bra - true story. She was playing an old fashioned bar maid with one of those super-chesty dresses… she forgot her push up bra, so she gaffered herself …(ah-hem) will say no more - it worked tho.

sliced bread is the best thing that has happened since ducttape.

Tasmanian bread is unsliced

Tasmania has bread?

well, so far no one really had many tips, so maybe ill put the idea aside for awhile

i wasnt going to reply to this thread but i will just say that my mum was reading over my shoulder and was in stitches.

If you poked your foot with a nail you could always fix it with duct tape!

My friend made himself a duct tape wallet a few months ago complete with credit card holders and a coin section and its still going strong today.

Long live duct tape!

Won’t duct tape shoes be really, REALLY sweaty?


a- ducttape wallets are relatively simple to make, and ive made quite a few for myself, and happen to know that smcmorrow made and sold ducttape wallets around our school

b-i had planned to ventilate them, by leaving out sections up near the front and middle of the foot that wouldnt cause too much damage to the shoe

Don’t use cardboard for the soles, it will get soggy and rot. Make a thin sole of tape, then ball up tape and stick it on top, then on to of that put another thin sole, enclose the sides and you have your sole. For laces, use your few layers of tape, then put a few layers of PACKING tape over it. Then hole punch it instead of grommits. DT stretches, while packing tape doesn’t. Then roll up strips of tape for you laces, and don’t forget a tongue.

As for sweaty, just wear socks.

You could even make tread with electrical tape, or better yet, DT sticky side OUT.

By the way nate, you have way too much time on your hands if you are making duct tape shoes.

ok, thats just low, because you told me to make them, bugged me until i did

thats only cause you have the time. Do some homework for me instead.

Oh, wait, then I would Fail!

ha ha ha…youve already used that one on aim…twice…

What you otta do for your duck tape shoes is:
1-Wrap your foot in seran wrap LOOSLY
2-Apply strips of duck tape from your toe to heel on the sole with the seran wrap still on your foot.
3-Now wrap arond your foot until your ankle or when comfortable.
4-Take a mouse pad or be a rich bugger and buy some flip flops. And tape to sole. I use leather (it’s authentic :roll_eyes: )
5-Repeat step 2. Make several 3" strips and work around your ankle.
6-Repeat step 4 with bigger strips use your judgment.
7-Ahh, it’s taking form Muahahahah!! (I’m so evil):o sorry about that. With an exacto knife make an insicion so your foot can come free :astonished: (stinky eh?) now across the incision take some fat ass elastic bands and cut them. Tape em to yor desired tightness
8-Add duck tape were needed and you have your very comfy duct tape shoes.

I know I could of replied earlier but I didn’t see this thread and I wanted to make Red Green proud:D Good luck!:slight_smile:

you have to only use duct tape,no leather/mousepad/flip flop soles

Red green is the best

godly even

That’s a good idea…I was going to recommend you put the tape sticky side out first over your foot and then put it sticky side in. The…I forgot their names…the link to wikipedia…those make a good pair, probably. What do I know about duct tape? All I know is I was going to use it for my unicycle seat…it has a rip.

Am I the only Unicyclist that wears Caterpillar Steel Toe boots?

I don’t know…maybe…Sometimes I just wear flip-flops and ride around, I don’t know any tricks… :roll_eyes:

i also wear steel capped boots when a i ride around the house

Mine are like construction boots though :slight_smile: Very comfortable and your feet don’t cramp up from being bent on the pedals if you ride a bike.