alrite so lets pretend you have to go to the store, and you have to buy 3 things, but two of those things have to be ductape and rope.
What would the 3rd be?
alrite so lets pretend you have to go to the store, and you have to buy 3 things, but two of those things have to be ductape and rope.
What would the 3rd be?
a gift card with a huge amount so i could buy a lot of stuff.
Good idea, I’d get that or a nice big chain saw:D so i can make an awesome trials course out of loks in my garden!
i would have to say a wheelborow. after tying up Ductape with the rope. A wheelborow woul make it really easy to hall him away
Well it depends on the thickness of the ducttape. If it was one of those really skinny ones and was in a roll and sized up to 16" or 20" then all i’ll need is a seatpost. Cause the duct tape would act as a grippy tyre and the rope would be my custom T7 handlebar.
So… the 3rd thing would be… a seatpost.
zip ties:D
Never answer hypothetical questions.
well, i would bring a hostage. Or a gun. (hostages)
Bailing wire. You can fix almost anything with duct tape, rope, and bailing wire.
and zip-ties:p
Yeah, try a zip-tie on your muffler and see if you make it home. (what’s that smell? clang! what’s that sound???)
A knife.
how much do I cost? and I would probably take along some astronaut ice cream… just because… and Phil you’re a meanie! Why would you want to tie me up and carry me away it’s not like I could be sold for much on ebay… Jackie hasn’t got any money…
But I know where my dad’s credit card is…
a spanner made of gravy.
even more duct tape…
a kitten.
what would a kitty do with duct tape…
I’d say a pulley …no a wash tub
lollies,lots and lots of lollies