Dramatic reading of a real breakup letter.

A masterpiece.

one word. err… one acronym:


Not that I don’t enjoy gender bending as much as the next person, but I think that would have been better with a female doing the reading. That sort of made me think of John Lovett at his least funny.


Definitely a good read and the voice tops it. :smiley: :smiley:

Damn, I just got the text - no audio…

dam the voice was a suprise

Yeah me too. I was expecting it to be a silent video of someone reading a piece of paper.

The voice wasn’t very funny, but the note was.



Haha, I couldn’t stop laughing throughout that whole thing.

It can’t be real. There was not any txtspk. Anything like that nowadays would be typed on a cell phone.

I looked just like how my friend Mike types, even though he is in Highschool lol.

I’m confused…what “can’t be real” about it? Someone had to type the note, and even if it’s not an actual breakup letter, someone typed it at some point. Either way, it’s funny, because I’ve seen real people type like that.

I should have put the tongue-in-cheek smiley there. :stuck_out_tongue: