Don't know how to make a thread?

OK SO it took me a couple months to figure out how to make a thread because nobody had a thread making thread so that is why I am making one! Go to forums which is the first blue bar at the top and it is the third word across. Then there is a list of things to go to and you click just conversation. Then towards the top on the upper right there is a button to click for new threads and then there you go!:smiley:

seems like you made a thread to me…

Where’s maestro with his “Worst Thread Ever” icon?

It took you two months to find the big “New Thread” button directly above all the other threads?

No judgement…


There is no “New Thread” button unless i go to forums then just conversation.

Could it be perhaps that you didn’t join until this month?

Thanks, I was wondering how to make my own thread.

+1 to you.

I got a better one…


im the one who told you how, HA!

now now guys i cant handle all your freaking negitivity up in here.
As gild would say thats one more of us and one less of them
(ive always wanted to do that, sorry gild.)
welcome to the fourm

why is this not covered in

hah okay guys i didnt know the button was there because i joined this month but HEY how would i know this if i joined this? and this could help people who just joined…

i know you guys are gunnu make comments about this but whatever:o

were you making fun of me or did this actually help? if it did then hey my work is done here

Well considering my post count and join date, I figured it was obvious I was just poking fun at you.

At least you wrote this thread with good intentions and not just ‘ZOMG SPAM YAY’, but it’s still kinda funny. :slight_smile:

hah ok thanks:) FINALLY somebody who is nice

Scrolling back through the posts, everyone who posted is nice…we just enjoy poking fun at people…don’t worry about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the forums.


it actually took me several months and a bunch of pm’s to forrest for me to figure out how to make a thread:o

I think this will actually help people.


I’ve been posting on occasion but didn’t know how to start a thread until this ABC approach.
Now if I can just come up with a little originality; or , at least a pregnant idea.