Dog Bite

i walk a 110 pound German Shepard almost every day on my unicycle :slight_smile:

Does he wheel walk or ride on the seat?

wheel walk :slight_smile:



never say never.

Could have been a Fray reference too.

My dogs are German Shepherd too. Going down a steep narrow trail, one of their leashes got caught in my wheel and broke a brake line. Didnā€™t know it until I went to use the brakeless brake :astonished: .

Old picture from when I was new to riding off-road (though this is a non-paved road).

My dogs have a variety of jobs. They have such talent.

I also have one semi ā€œretardedā€ Chihuahua mix.

its dinner for my dog

Dā€™aww your dogs are beautiful.
And yes I think all of us who have a more than one dog have the one Special dog and the one ā€œSpecialā€ dog.
Or as one of my favorite bloggers calls it her ā€œsimple-dogā€ and ā€œhelper-dogā€

As a previous poster said, this is MOST important. The physical injury may be healing, but rabies is FATAL. Confront the owner and demand to see proof that the dog does NOT have rabies.

Edit: (from a rabies info page)

You wonā€™t know you have until itā€™s too late.

The paperwork was filled out today. The animal control of the county will investigate. They will call me with the facts. Being a family pet Iā€™m pretty sure the dog will have had a rabies shot. But I am making sure just to be safe. I also had to get an antibiotic since a tooth broke through the skin. The dog owners should pay the $40 it cost me but I doubt that will happen.

At the very least, they should pay that.
I hope the dog isnā€™t put down for this though.
Some states have a 1 strike policy.

That dog looks like one of your typical ā€œherdingā€ breeds. Thereā€™s a good chance that the one that bit you was simply trying to ā€œherdā€ you and NOT in the attack mode since they bite at the legs of the animal to steer it. Be sure to get a copy of the rabies vacinnation paperwork, the ā€œtagā€ is NOT sufficient proof! The paperwork has the name, color, weight and breed to be sure it is proper documentation for that particular dog. Iā€™d DEFINATELY present the owner with your medical bill as he IS liable for the actions of his pet. As for the aspect of a lawsuit, forget about it. Thatā€™s part of the problem with todayā€™s society, we have a bunch of a**holes who want to sue somebody over EVERYTHING!

Yeah forget about going to court unless youā€™re gonna be on Judge Joe Brown so we can all see what goes down.

The dog charged me very aggressively, it was not herding me. It bit and ran away. I believe that law suits have their place, but this is not one of them. Too many people are looking for an easy buck. All this cost me was a day of discomfort while walking and $40. Itā€™s reported and I hope that these peopleā€™s attitude change about their responsibility in owning a dog.

I think the owner should be put downā€¦ im sick of having to go through pain because someone else didnā€™t think or didnā€™t careā€¦ last time I was bit by a dog I hit it in the face with a rock than proceeded to the owners front door with an even bigger rock(just for protection from the still angry dog) where I told the owner exactly what I would do to its dog if I ever saw it outside without a leash againā€¦ come to find out, Iā€™m not the first person the dog bitā€¦ after this I havenā€™t seen it outside since.

Iā€™ve never sued anyone for anything, and agree that there are far too many frivolous lawsuits filed every day by dishonest people (mostly lawyers!) just trying to make a quick buck. But in clear-cut cases like this, if the dog owner denies liability, and/or refuses to pay medical bills, it is not only perfectly appropriate to file a suit, at least in small claims, to recover the cost of medical, and maybe even pain and suffering, but itā€™s the responsible and just thing to do. If not, it sends a clear message to the dog owner that they got away with it, and more innocent people will likely be bitten by the same dog.

Understanding dogs and owners is really helpful in a case like this. A dog that bites you is actually saying, ā€œshoot me.ā€ A dog owner who ignores his dog biting people is actually saying, ā€œtorture me, then shoot me.ā€

Iā€™m not one to advocate violence against an animal but it sounds like he asked for it. He bit and you ā€˜bitā€™ back. Good on you.

Actually, in my case, my backup plan was close to this. It was to shoot the dog in the rear with police grade mace. Ideally the dog would jump on the couch where the owner was drinking beer and wallow all over the cushions and anyone else in the house while looking for relief. They would have to buy a new couch.

Mmmmm now that sounds like justice.

I have a vivid imagination next time I ride towards a dog I wll be thinking of this :astonished: