Does anyone know what this song`s named??

Does anyone know what this song`s named??

I’m going to guess without clicking on the link.

Is it Baggy Trousers by Madness?

I can name that tune in six notes:

“Another rap song indistinguishable from every other rap song used in a unicycling video”

Or as I like to call it, music to get stabbed to!

hahahahahahaha, i hate that type of music, its crap.

But whats the name of the song??

Is it “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy From Company B” by the Andrews Sisters?

I thought not.

No, what’s the producer of the album.

Who is the deejay, and the song is I don’t know.

Google is your friend. I typed in the first sentence in google, and it brings up the lyrics of the song.

Outlawz - Real Talk.

Wow, you can understand Rappin’ese? Do you get foreign language credit for that in High School nowadays? The only word in that song I could recognize can’t be repeated on our family friendly fora.

Also interesting that Koxx One didn’t credit the song at the end of the vid. I wonder if they are in copyright violation…

I am guessing it is a pentecostal Christian song. They appear to be speaking in an unintelligible tongue.




hope that clears things up

come on, Beatles, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd


“I look at you all, see the love that is sleeping, still my guitar gently weeps” real music!!!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

rap sounds good, in my opinion…

Well your oppinion is wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d rather kill myself then listen to that so called “real music”:slight_smile: … Gag me with a spoon, I hope all those cronies will die out and only be available in some obscure little record store where nobody will find them.:smiley:

“Real Music”= Music accepted by those because they are retards attempting to find their own personal preference, but have gotten lost.:smiley:

From the comments I’ve read and the name of the song I’m guessing that it’s gangsta rap. That stems from the gangsta culture that I really don’t like. Two and a half words: glorification of violence.

But, you guys(and guysettes) shouldn’t confuse gangsta rap with hip-hip. Hip-hop is a legitimate genre of music with some amazing innovations, great music and deep and meaningful lyrics.

It’s a real shame to see how the gangsta rap is overpowering hip-hop in people’s minds. But still, hip-hop is out there.

Them along with almost everyone else out there who makes videos with music that they don’t own rights for. Does crediting a song in a video make it any less illegal to use it?
Also, the video was made by riders sponsored by Koxx-One, not koxx-one itself.

They’re both legitimate genres, however in my opinion they should both disappear into obscurity. Unfortunately for me, and anyone holding the same opinion as myself, they will probably be around for a while.

Thankfully I think, they will not stand the test of time like so many other great bands and genres… ie. Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Beatles…

A couple of steps back, a couple of posters on this thread?

Someone’s opinion isn’t wrong when it’s different from yours.
It’s just different from yours.
And you don’t have to spew all the hate in your heart when talking about music you don’t care for, you can just say you don’t care for it.
If you must.

Remember what your grandma always used to say?

Note to self: Never google Grandma Rap.

On another note: Let’s take the mis-use of the word “retarded” out of our vocabulary.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread…