i believe in god i was raised as a christian me whole life. how many of you guys believe in god or should i say jesus? if you dont believe in god/jesus then why not?
I do, but I wasn’t raised that way. neither of my parents are religious. I don’t go to church though.
I don’t think God exists. Why should I belive? (DONT TELL ME BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS SO! why isn’t harry Potter real? he was in a famous book too?) I see no physical evidence that he exists or any "miracles’ or things that I feel god helped me.
If i belived in God, I would either be a reform jew. Jesus “existed” (Im sure of that), but was he a messiah? no. This is where I really dont see why peeps think Jesus is the saviour. what ids different about the world now than be fore jesus? If anything, Its worse. he was a good dude and stuff, but no savior of the world.
Edit: I grew up going to church, but not often. My mom is farily religious, and my dad is of the “religion of the 10 commandments”- He worries only about being a good person and following those guidlines and not about all the useless deep though things about hell and jesus, etc.
Re: do you believe in god?
sigh God and Jesus are two different people .
Re: Re: do you believe in god?
From my perspective It seems like a lot of churches focus more jesus than God, which i think is really stupid.
Another question- If there’s God, jesus, and the holy ghost, doesn’t that make 3 gods?
Re: Re: do you believe in god?
some religions think that Jesus is God’s son. some religions, mine, think that the holy trinity, Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, are simply the three incarnations of a single deity. so there is only one God. EDIT in my opinion. probably not in yours.
Re: Re: Re: do you believe in god?
I’ll carefully enter and post here but only as a matter of statement and clarification.
From my faith and belief, the Trinity as it’s so commonly called is the same God in three forms. An analogy would be that I am a person but I am also a man, father, and husband all in one. Three parts of the same, different function but the same overall goal. That segways into the other issue, being confused, which develops out of our finiteness.
Again, according to my faith and belief, God is infinite and omnipotent (knows all things) and I am finite, the created, and can only see whats in front of my face. The scripture promises that I will understand how its all put together someday. I bank on that.
Make it a great day.
Why not? I mean I’d rather think that I’m going somewhere when I die. That I have a loving God waiting for me.
I see no reason for there not to be. If there was evolution where’s it at today? Why hasnt stuff popped out of no where like they said started this whole life thing?
Also everything in this world has been created thats all we know of. We really cant understand what we dont see. We cant fully understand that God has no creater it out of our minds reach to understand that fully right now.
Bruce that was a good explanation.
Re: Re: Re: do you believe in god?
“Incarnation” means in the flesh, so technically Jesus is believed to be the incarnation of God.
The concept of the trinity (God as three in one) is central to orthodox Christianity. Don’t expect a detailed explanation here. Many theologians wrestle with analyzing every aspect of the trinity, and you could look up a book on systematic theology if you’re interested in more details.
DK, comparing Jesus to Harry Potter is not really fair. Obviously, the Harry Potter series is a much younger text than what is known as the Bible. Also, don’t you have any beliefs that have no physical evidence? Don’t you believe in love? Or are you one of those that believes that physics will eventually find the theory of everything?
For me, the basis of Christianity is believing that Jesus was God incarnate (i.e., the messiah) and that the overarching message conveyed by the Bible is true.
Evolution takes billions of years…so things are slowly evolving, but too slow to see any dramtic changes in our life (for instance in the last few hundred years they’ve noticed humans are getting taller). Stuff didn’t just ‘pop out’ due to evolution, it took AGES. I see the christian beliefs more that stuff just popped up, which personally I think is impossible (I don’t believe in Adam & Eve etc at all).
I wasn’t going to get involved in this post, but now I have so I might aswell say I dont really belive in god. I relate more to Budhism - I wont say im a Budhist at all, but just a lot of what they live by makes total sense, like just be nice to others etc.
Like I said I don’t believe in god, but I think there could be other forces that control our lives…like fate maybe? I dunno, but like what effects you changes what happens to you later on. I have no idea really, I thought A LOT about what I believe, and its just too much to comprehend, so in short I don’t believe anything…
Yeah I guess. People are taller now just because of better nutrition I mean like back in the day they didnt know about that kind of thing like what helps you grow better they just ate what they could.
I thought this thread was about believing in God…
Some Christians don’t believe in a literal Adam and Eve (personally I don’t think it matters either way), and some Christians (like myself) do consider evolutionary theory (the scientific part) as an actual possibility, just as any scientific theory is a possible explanation of reality. I think that Christians who spend all their time and energy trying to correspond religious texts with scientific theory end up missing the point of both endeavors. That is to say, the Bible conveys a message about the nature of God, whereas evolutionary theory is working scientific knowledge that has pragmatic value regardless of whether or not it is a perfectly true description of reality.
Eh I dont know how they could take part of the bible litteral and not the rest. To me its all or nothing and nothing added.
Micro evolution where the strongest survive like the birds with the different side and type of beaks on the islands is fact. An animal changing from one thing to another or mutating to some thing better is theory nothing more. Its sad that in schools its teached practicly as fact but its not even close.
The simplest statement of the doctrine of the Trinity is that found in the Book of First John: “There are three that bare record in heaven: the Father, The Word, and the Spirit, and these three are one.” (Yes, I know some people dispute that text, but it’s still a very good statement of the Orthodox Doctrine of the trinity.)
Bruce, I think omnipotent actually means all-powerful, like in the Calvinist doctrines I hold. It comes from the Latin words omnes, meaning all, and potens, meaning power. “Omniscient” would probably a better term for what you are trying to express.
And yes, in reply to the original question, I do believe in God. (The Christian God.)
exactly how I see it. I used to not think there was anything and my life had no purpose because we just live and then suddenly die one day and that’s the end kaput no more goodbye cruel world etc. and it kind of sucked.
and I still don’t know that there is a God or anything. I don’t think it can be proven. but I believe there is. wouldn’t you enjoy life more if you thought there was a purpose for it?
I believe many people take the bible too literally… What else in our society do we still hold dear and true from that time? The medical practices? I don’t think so…
If evolution works on a smaller scale, why wouldn’t it work on a larger scale? If small changes can occur in a shorter amount of time, why couldn’t great changes occur over long periods of time, where a new species emerges?
I’m not going to mince the issue of literality of the Bible. If that’s what works for you, then great. Each of us has his/her own way of understanding reality.
Micro evolution is nothing more than theory either. That’s funny - I often hear the complaint that science is taught as fact, but as I recall, every basic science class in my entirely public education started with contrasting the concept of a theory with that of a fact. Although I can see how science’s compelling nature can lead one to believe that it is fact, and I do believe that it is commonly construed as such.
Heck yes! That’s why I’m a happy person. Its funny because people notice it too. I get “Tim you’re such a happy person.” a lot. Its pretty funny.
Yep you’re right. I get them mixed up too.
I come from a fairly religious family–Catholic, the Irish Catholic variety. I was an alter boy when I was, like 12 or something like that.
I realized I was an Athiest when I was 16 years old. I simply realized that in all honesty, I did not believe. I accepted, with great clarity and peace, that there would be no after-life. That when I died, I would not exist. It’s a bit hard to accept at first, the concept of non-existence, but knowing this makes me enjoy every moment of being alive with a gratifying triumph, that I have a conscienceness, that I walk on the earth, and that I have the privledge of sitting here and communicating with such fine people as yourselves.
Athiesm is not the crazy depressing state of confusion that some religious people seem to think it is. It is the marvelous realization that we are mortal, that we are part of the natural scientific sceme of things that are beyond our understanding.
Once I am dead, I will not live on in a paradise or an afterlife or a nirvana. That is fine because I know that there is something much better than all that, simply, that my children and my friends will remember me and (hopefully) speak kindly of me after I am gone.
We are chance combinations of matter and energy. That’s all. This thought makes me a better person, and thus I live each day as if it’s my last–is that not an eternal lifetime of itself?
Hahah yeah you’re right. Its not fact its only theory.
Its true they do teach what theory is and what fact is first but they still really dont tell the kids that evolution is theory. I read an article in the news paper that a school had tape put over a sticker that was put on the books that said evolutoin is only a theory back a few years ago.
I dont think its like that. I have friends that are very happy and not depressed that think they are just going to not exist eny more after they die. Its just I think I wouldnt be very happy with that mind set.
Oh yeah if you ever want to check out a church thats not all tradition and old dust hymes (nothing wrong with hymes but theys fun songs out there too) you can check out a Calvary Chapel (also not saying other churchs are all tradition and have only old dusty hymes) www.calvarychapel.com you can put in your state and you can find one near you. Its also non denominational.