Do Unicyclists live longer?

According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the inability to stand on one leg for 10 seconds in mid to later life is linked to a near doubling in the risk of death from any cause within the next 10 years.

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When I watch some videos, I doubt that unicyclists live longer. :rofl:
At least we live better :sunglasses:


well standing on one leg is part of training for many sports (for me in TaïJitsu) but the real challence is to do that with your eyes closed … this is unicycling training !

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Of course they live longer. They have to. It takes them so much longer to get anywhere.


Well you have two separate effects: 1) if a person over 40, 50, 60, etc. is able to ride a unicycle, then you already have considerable selection bias, as those in particularly bad health cannot.
2) as numerous studies strongly correlate muscle strength, balance/coordination and aerobic fitness at say 50, 60, and 70 years with longevity (or more specifically more quality years), then again yes, as unicycling builds all three.


According to your theory, 36er unicyclists live the shortest lives among all unicyclists, let alone those with a Schlumpf hub. :rofl:

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Time to dust the 20“ off! Maybe add a 12“ as well.


I think a 12" is too much, otherwise you will be late for your own funeral.


do you wear the leg weights? :smiley:

sorry not being a native speaker I don’t understand this (a joke?)

I would guess more a martial arts movie reference where the hero goes through a long and exhausting training period with difficult exercises that are ramped-up through more weight (lifted- carried or attached during another activity) until the time comes to saves whatever need to :yum:

You can Try this on the Unicycle. I know how difficult it is to stand on one leg with your eyes closed. Very difficult to endure for long time. An important sense is missing - spatial orientation is missing. I don’t know whether unicyclists really live longer, but I can well imagine that unicyclists still have a good head and mind when they’re old, since unicycling has two parts of the brain linked together.

I find it much easier to ride with my eyes closed then to stand on one leg with my eyes closed. However that may depend on the unicycle tire, some seem to be self correcting in sideways balance and some not. I can pretty much stand on one leg as long as I want with my eyes open but not with my eyes closed.

TaĂŻJitsu - as portrayed in Naruto :slight_smile:

Thanks, the comment about the leg weights makes so much more sense, now.

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Jim T and Terry Peterson will live forever.


there are many more members of the “Old Geezers On One Wheel” gang :wink: