Early tonight while I was riding i fell off a ledge and landed on my arm. It was stretched out straight and I heard a pop. My arm was at a weird angle and I couldn’t move it. It was the scariest thing ever, and I had visions of Evan in the hospital when he did the same thing. So I grabbed my arm with the other hand and twisted it and heard another pop. My shoulder went back into place and I could move it around just fine, but it is still really sore. I really wish i could have gotten a picture of it, but nobody else was around except for a kind old man that asked me if I was ok.
Wow. I’ve heard of people popping their shoulders back into place before.
Did you have any expierence in popping it into place before today or did you just start swinging it around randomly hoping it would go into place?
I was just really freaked out and wasn’t sure what exactly happened, or why I couldn’t move it, so I just used my other hand to move it and it went back in.
Then I looked over and this old guy was like
You will most likley have more dislocations or other shoulder problems.
It was really sore all week, but it is finally starting to feel better and I am riding again. If I move it the wrong way it still really hurts tho.
Yeah, after a shoulder dislocation you are suppose to immobilize it for a week or more, then slowly start using it again. You cant dislocate your shoulder without loosening the tendons and ligaments around there. Hope you dont fall wrong, im sure its not hard to pop it out again.
Ok well I defently didn’t immobilize it for a week, I was unicycling a bit a few minutes after it happened, and I this week at work I was busting up a concrete floor with a jackhammer and digging and stuff. It probably wasn’t very good for it.
My aunt, who is a nurse, told me to wait a while until it felt better and do some exercises like push-ups and stuff.
That sucks dude I hope you get better.
I’d recommend against anyone trying to “relocate” their own joints… I saw a friend break a few bones in his leg trying to adjust his dislocated ankle.
Get your doctorate’s degree before trying to practice medicine!
This winter I crashed during a GS Race skiing and dislocated my shoulder. They immediately told me not to try and put it back into place, so it sat out for about five hours before it slid back in on its own. Needless to say from this they immobilized it for about two months (yes, two months) and have been doing intense pt since. Its been about 7.5 months since the incident and I still don’t have very much feeling in my upper arm (the auxiliary nerve got stretched so much that it cut off all connections between the nerve and my brain. The only real danger zone for another dislocation according to my doctor (who happens to be bode miller’s uncle) is when your arm is up as if you are throwing a ball. He still doesn’t want me unicycling…
Wow! You must have done it way worse then I did…
Well I probably wouldn’t have tried to relocated it myself, but I was somewhat in shock and I didn’t know if my arm was broken or what, all I knew was that I couldn’t move it and it was at a weird angle. And there wasn’t anybody with me either…
It is feeling much better today, and I can unicycle fine. At first I was kinda scared to ride on ledges or do drops incase I fell to the side, but im getting over it. Early today I climbed onto a parked train and rode along the edge of one of the cars about 15 feet high, in the dark.