Dislocated Shoulder

okay so I lied, its a Sublaxated shoulder, basically it was dislocated for a brief period of time and it went back in. now i dont get to play soccer for 2 weeks, i also cant unicycle because i am very likely to re-injure it by falling or flailing around, not to mention its my left shoulder, that is connected to my left hand, that just so happens to be my hopping hand… so basically im stuck on my butt… weeee

this ends my rant, if you have any advice for stuff to do or to speed up my recovery that would be great.

How’d you do it?

HOw long til you can uni again?

i can uni whenever i want… i just cant pull up on the seat or fall on the ground… but the dr says two weeks…

i dove for a ball playing soccer and my elbow got caught in the grass, and jammed my shoulder into my face, then my elbow slipped out and I collapsed on my shoulder, causing it to come out of the socket. my arm went numb and i couldnt move it for a minute or two… it was really lame

goalie, eh?
I never liked playing goalie - when you lose, it’s all your fault. when you win, you get no appreciation. It’s a difficult and dangerous position.

I always played forward or midfield.

that sucks though. I recommend icy hot. It smells nice.

yeah… i like that stuff… just gotta be carefull where it goes…

That sucks man. Once you loosen that joint up it just comes out easier the next time. I’ve done both my shoulders a few times each; a couple of them have been full dislocations. So far I’ve been able to get them back in on my own (yes I know i’m not supposed to) and haven’t ever bothered with a doctor (other than getting advice from my father who is a chiropractor). When I reinjure mine (unfortunately it’s a fairly frequent occurence in my case), I ice it lots the first day or 2, and as soon as it feels good enough to use it, I work it to build the muscle back up around it.

The best advice I can give you is to do some kind of rehab to build up as much muscle around the joint as possible, since that’s what’s going to be holding your shoulder together from now on in. Your ligaments will be stretched and won’t ever completely heal back to the way they were. Get it moving as much as you can, the sooner you begin to use it again the better, just don’t do anything that causes pain, pain is a bad thing when trying to recover from a dislocation.

The same injury just happened to us last Tuesday night in Princeton. One of our midfielders was slammed by an opposing player which twisted our man around pretty severly before he was thrown to the ground. Same thing. His arm was numb and he couldn’t move it for several minutes. Pretty scary. He’s out for a couple weeks as well.

Hope your back soon. All the best to you and get well quickly!

Thanks for the advice guys! I’m going to physical therapy tomorrow to start using it… avoiding pain is difficult though, it hurts when I roll over sleeping, but I am guessing that is normal.

Dude that sucks! I know just how you feel too, I have a “sublaxated” or partially dislocated, whatever, rib in my back. I’m stuck on my butt too. :frowning:

Hope your shoulder gets fixed quickly.

Did something similar mountain biking (should have known better) a while ago. My main advice, which you won’t like, is take it easy for as long as possible. You fairly rapidly get to a point where you can do most normal movements with the arm, but if you try to do actual stuff like unicycling, biking etc it’s very, very easy to do more damage. And pay attention to the physio, once I started actually doing the exercises they suggested it did help.

If it helps, it won’t be too long before you no longer need to really psych yourself up to put a t-shirt on.

ya it’s normal for it to hurt for several days. The joint will feel pretty loose for a few days too. It’ll all tighten back up soon enough, if you can start to use it a little bit at a time, it’ll feel way better and you’ll be able to strengthen it fairly quickly.

My friend, just new to unicycling, was rolling dropping off the side of a sand pit and crashed doing the same “Sublaxated” shoulder thing last week. He hasn’t gotten it check or anyting and yesterday he was doing trials it popped back out briefly… It is spooky.

eff… I did mine again tonight in a friends pool at a bachelor party. It freakin hurts. It wasn’t bad but enough to cause some pain. That’s about the 6th time I’ve done this shoulder. It happens lots in pools. sometimes that resistance of the water puts some weird stresses on your body. Mostly from diving, but sometimes just goofing off in the water can be enough, such as tonight.