cycle tourism

My name is Lisa and I live in Ravenna, Italy. I am a graduate student in
Economics ,specializing in tourism. I’m currently in the process of
completing my final thesis in order to graduate and conducting a survey of
bicycle tourists to gather data I’ll need to document your particular
concerns and interests of bicycle tourists.

Please kindly complete the questions below and email me your answers.
Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.

1- How many bicycle tours of at least 2 days do you usually make annually.

2- How many of these tours last at least 6 days?

3- Which were the destinations of your last 5 bicycle tours.?

4- Do you travel alone or with others. If you travel with others do you
travel with;
1-Friends 2-Partner, wife or husband 3-Alone
4-Sport Group 5-Other…
. Answer:

5- Do you stay at one hotel or different hotels during your tour?
1- I stay at one hotel 2- I stay at different hotelss
3-Sometimes I utilize one hotel and other times I use different hotels

6- Do you use other means of transport besides a bicycle during your tour?
1-Only the bicycle 2-Car 3- Bus
4-Train 5-Camper or RV 6-Other…

7- Where do you usually spend your he nights?
1- Tourist villages 2-Hotel**or ****
4- Hotel **or * 5- Farm holidays
6-Landlord 7- Camping 8- Other…

8- How much do you usually spend during a typical week’s vacation?

9-What other resources do you employ in planning and organizing your bicycle
1-Tour operator/Agency of travels (could you write the
name…) 2-alone, through Internet
3-alone, through local tourist offices 4- I don’t
organize the travel, I leave to the adventure

10-Why do you tour by bicycle?
1- Passion for the sport 2-Passion for nature
3-personal challenge 4-because it’s a various vacation

11- Age :

12- Sex :

13- Profession :

14- Nation of residence :

15- Region of residence :