Custom Koxx-One Unicycles

koxx’s are the best

After the KH’s :sunglasses:

That’s what I mean…

That’s my old devil frame when it was still in one piece… well, my whole uni… So, here’s my old Devil Original. I drawed the spokes in black, changed the seat clamp for a black one, and painted the pedals…

Just one question.

When you purchase a custom Koxx-one Devil. It says it has a hub in the base model but when you get to customize it they don’t give you a chose of hub is that because there is only one type of hub available or because it doesn’t come with the hub and have to buy it separately? Is there anything that it doesn’t come with the custom devil unicycle I would need to buy separately, is another way of saying it. :slight_smile:


It should come with everything, if it doesn’t give you a choice it’s probably because there is only one option.

Thats what i was hoping. :slight_smile:


sickest uni i’ve seen in a verrrrryyy long time

Is that a longnecked devil?

Sorry! :slight_smile:

My “custom”
Koxx Devil Frame painted green
Koxx reinforced hub
New reinforced cranks 140 mm
Tryall gold rim
Koxx Seat post clamp gold
Wellgo Magnesium MG1 white pedals
Green and white rim tape
Nimbus CRMOseat post
Koxx sadle with KH sea cover
Tryall sticky tire

I think about buy white tryall tire :sunglasses:

Cool uni! Just don’t really like that frame type.

Did you know your pedals are in the wrong way?:stuck_out_tongue: Cool uni though.

EDIT: Your whole wheel is in the wrong way…

my new unicycle, I’m very happy with it
ps: I changed the devil frame into my old KH frame :smiley:


looks good thats what I’m going to do when I get my KH long neck 2010 when UDC NZ gets them in. blood red with fluro green rim

Nice !!

When I have the money unless your going to get me one for free…

Is it me or are your pedals on backwards/


They look normal to me

+1 (first thing i noticed when i saw the picture)

XTP Red Russian:


*Custom White Russian sadle with removable cover, CF inbus base, SIF grip and drilled bumper
*KH 08 seatpost
*Hope seatpost clamp
*XTP frame #000 and anodized red bolt
*K1 reinforced hub and anodized red crankbolts
*K1 Light 140mm cranks
*Specialized Magnesium pedals
*Try all 19" rim
*Trimmed 19" Monty Eagle Claw tire