
Hi there, I have a question about unicycling and sidewalk curbs. I have a 20" unicycle that I enjoy riding around campus on (not for transportation yet, just for fun), but I have to dismount every time I come to the edge of the sidewalk.

So, I’m wondering if there’s a recommended way of dealing with curbs on a smaller unicycle.

Should I simply “fly” off while peddling in the air? Or come to a stop, and hop off?

Also, is it possible to just roll onto curbs on a larger sized unicycle?

I just roll off of them on my 24". I did the same on my 16".

Thats all I can give you for now.

I’ll give that a try next time I go out. Did you transfer your weight to your pedals to preserve, err, your fertility?

You bet! :smiley: :smiley:

On a 20 inch, you can roll off curbs (the first thing I learnt on them), hop off curbs (where I learnt to hop off and onto things), or do rolling hops off curbs (Cool if you are in a hurry or just bored)…
I find the easiest of these rolling off curbs, but my frind found it easier to ride up hop around a bit, then off the curb.
And yes, it is possible to ride up curbs. It is obvoiusly easier on a bigger wheel. I have not been able ot get it on a 20inch, but am working on it - apparently it is possible!.

As for the weight, I’m quite comfortable dropping off curbs without touching the seat, although I lift up on the pedals just a teency bit I think. When Hopping I’m always off the seat and with the rolling hop I’m always off the seat as well…

Re: Curbs

In article <>,
asqlerth <> wrote:
)Hi there, I have a question about unicycling and sidewalk curbs. I have
)a 20" unicycle that I enjoy riding around campus on (not for
)transportation yet, just for fun), but I have to dismount every time I
)come to the edge of the sidewalk.
)So, I’m wondering if there’s a recommended way of dealing with curbs on
)a smaller unicycle.
)Should I simply “fly” off while peddling in the air? Or come to a stop,
)and hop off?

Riding off a curb is really easy–just try it. Unweight the seat a
little, grab the handle or the front of the seat, and just pedal off.
At first you’ll want to stop for a moment after the drop to gather
yourself, but once you get better you will be able to ride off curbs
without much of a hitch in your pedaling.

)Also, is it possible to just roll onto curbs on a larger sized unicycle?

You clearly haven’t seen Universe.

Re: Re: Curbs

Do I care where the pedals are? Should they be level upon landing?

Certainly if you are going down stairs (which are like many tall curbs) you can’t always have your pedals level, so you just pedal. (from what I’ve seen in videos) So does that apply to curbs too? What’s the easiest way for a beginner? Thanks. I’m going to try this soon.

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

When I was learning I thought I had to have my pedals in a specific position prior to riding down a curb…but with practice I can now ride off them without even thinking about it.

Pedal pos. comes more importrant when dropping off bigger drops so you can ride out of them and not damage your axle - ie have your ‘good foot’ slightly lower than your rear foot and as soon as you hit the ground start pedalling.
But off curbs, they can be anywhere.

This is a skill you should learn as even if you just plan to ride to school or whatever it opens up a whole new world of riding…then learn to hop up them and you are sweet.

I don’t remember any rolling-up of curbs in Universe. Lots of hopping. In George Peck’s Rough-Terrain Unicycling, he rolls the curbs with finesse.

Now, this discussion is making me wonder if I have misunderstood a previous discussion about curbs.

I don’t have too much trouble going down normal UK curbs (about 8"), but when this topic cropped up before I got the impression that anyone with a firm intention could expect to “roll” up curbs with a little practice.

I have been practicing ever since & find even on my 24" Muni I only roll up the curb if I hit it just as one foot is in the best position to power forwards. This seems to mean that most of the time the wheel just stops dead while I continue in a unicycling frame of mind but without the frame of the unicycle. (sorry for the weak pun).

Anyone care to relate their technique for a nice smooth roll up an 8inch curb please?


The trick to rollng up is much like rolling down.

It all comes down to de-weighting the uni, a concept all skiers and snow*&%ders will be familliar with.

I’m not sure how to explain it but you just kind of do a semi-hop just before you hit the kerb and just keep-pedaling

Really good curb thread.