Crankroll tutorial request

wow thats an awesome trick

Grip tape!

That’s the answer to my prayers. I’ve been looking at learning crankrolls since I can’t quite pull off a unispin.

Now, I’ll stick some grip tape (I have some from making my BC) on my KH Moments and I’m sure that will make it easier for me to land the unispin with a bit more confidence and pick up a bit of rolling on the cranks.

Great Idea Spencer and keep up the tutorials, it helps noobs like me to at least try these magnificent tricks!


has anyone got ny tips for the second part of the roll. (if that makes sense) i can push and roll on one side but when i try and continue the roll i just ruin it.

does learning to leg wrap on the other side help this

Yes! finally comeone answers to crank rolls!

Anyways, i have been trying them lately, and i can get the first part down very smoothly, its just getting the other side to work, it feels like my right side is retarded.

Example of what i do:

Put left foot on left crank nub (DX cranks :()
Wrap leg to tire push
Then when i try to transfer hands im holding the seat with i fall.
Usually due to me not being able to reach.

I still can’t complete a whole crankroll but I’m getting close now. if you read the thread people said DX cranks are pretty good for crankrolls anyway I’ve learned that the switching hands thing is pretty much the same as a sweat wrap you pretty much have to have already switched hands before your foot gets to the other crank.

I just went out and rode. I think that was my problem. Also i was holding the seat by the handle so i didnt have enough seat there to grab. gonna go out and try again in a second.

Nice house. Thanks for the video, now i think i get it. Im gonna go out and try right now. After i eat dinner.


I’m also learning to rolling wrap I’m almost there.
I guess it is easier to land them holding the handle.
The video helps a lot, thanks Spencer :smiley:

im not sure if this is gana make sense but when i hop my right foot is in the back and when i start a crankroll it feels more comfortable starting with my right foot on the crank, but since my right foot is in the back if i were to push the tire the crank wouldnt rotate the right way so id have to start out hopping with my left foot in back which feels extremely awkward, does anyone else have this problem?

yuep I do so I just learned to push with my right foot. So I’m hopping with both feet in their normal position but instead of pushing with my left foot I push with my right.

I do my backrolls switch because of the same problem.

yeah i went out shortly after posting to try it switch and it doesnt feel completely awkward but still puts me at a disadvantage

Yeah, just relearn them regularly, and your flatland riding will thank you.

I have a tutorial for you (in dutch :p)
(just watch the movies…)

im mainly street but i also like the style of flatland so i wana learn crankrolls and rolling wraps and stuff like that and i think it would be better to put grip tape on both sides of the cranks for flatland tricks but if i put it on both sides my grinds for street will be slowed down

this is me practising them please help!

can any one tell me how i can finish the crankroll off(rolling wrap)?

I was thinking of making a crankroll tutorial yesterday. I don’t have the equipment for it now, but I think I can help anyway. Pay attention.

In this forum, there is a “flatland tutorials” thread. In that thread, there is a backroll tutorial. The backroll begins with a crankroll, so you will get some good video advice there.

Here is the trick to doing a crankroll: Find the point of balance, with you above your unicycle, and execute the crankroll without letting your body or frame move. Lock your arms and abs and stay in that one position of balance. The only thing that needs to move is your back foot that kicks the tire.

The point of balance is like this:

  1. The seat and frame are pointing almost directly straight up - really, the unicycle is leaning back about 5 - 10 degrees.

  2. The seat and frame are leaning away from you (left to right) at approximately 10 degrees. You are inevitably going to be on one side of the unicycle, so this correction is necessary.

Put the unicycle in this position, and attempt the crankroll mount. As you step on the crank and then tire, keep that unicycle pointing in the exact way that it is positioned. There is no reasonthat the unicycle should move positions throughout the crankroll.

When you step up to begin the crankroll, you want to get your crotch up very near the seat and lean slightly forward over the unicycle so that your center of balance points straight down through the center of the tire. You will know you have the position correct if you can kick the tire lightly and roll back easily with your body and the unicycle stiff. Let me be clear: You must keep your body and the unicycle in the same position, but that should not imply that this trick can’t be done while remaining relaxed. Of course, you will probably be a bit tense as you’re learning it, but that’s to be expected.

It isn’t helpful, however, and a way to remedy this is by INHALING as you step up on the crank and kick the tire. Your natural tendency may be to exhale, and kind of hold your breath. That’s not helpful. Fresh oxygen to the brain is good for focus and balance - lack of oxygen is a detriment to both.

When you mess up, one of four things will happen:

1)You stay up on the crank, but your unicycle’s seat, and your balance, go forward, but the wheel shoots back. Obviously, in this case you allowed for the frame to get completely upright, or a few degrees forward, and gravity took care of the rest. Let that seat point back just a TINY bit.

2/3) You fall off of the crank back onto your foot or you have to step over to the other side. These will occur if you allow the unicycle to point more than a few extra degrees to the left or to the right. I think that’s clear.

  1. You will slip off of the tire or require an extra kick of the tire to get the revolution. This happens if your seat points too far BACK. So, if this is happening. point your seat a little more upright. Remember, if I wasn’t being so precise, I would tell you to ‘keep the unicycle pointed straight up.’ But I am precise, and I want to make this as easy on you as possible.

One thing you may be tempted to do is give the back tire a big ol’ kick to get it moving. If the balance is correct, this is NOT necessary. It wouldn’t be a problem, but you want to stay as still as possible so as not to mess up your balance. Luckily, you can use this as a test. If your balance was PERFECT, you can just get that tire moving, and theoretically, if your foot didn’t stop the crank from continuing to roll, the tire would roll back and your would coast for several revolutions from one small kick.

Finally, there is the issue of returning to pedals and seat. The seat should be so close to seat-in that making the switch won’t be hard. It must be close so you don’t have to make a big movement to go seat-in and mess up the balance. I always move my kicking foot to the pedal first as I go seat-in, and then use this leverage to quickly slide my crank foot to the pedal after. This is the only area of the trick where you can really figure it out for yourself and do it your own way. I’m sure people do it differently, and I’m not going to bore you any more with my own preference. The kick is the hard part. Once you know the crankroll mount, the crankroll is at your fingertips.

Let me know if you have any problems.
