Contest-----No prize suckas(2)

What breed is this dog its 1/2 and 1/2.

pets 17 small.jpg

half 9 volt, half AAA


chihajuaja and snoser…?



Lab Mastiff or Lab Great Dane.

Possibly 1/2 pig, that puppy needs some portion control.

1/2 Fat
1/2 Lazy
1/2 kinda cute, for a pudgy mut.

Lab and blue heeler. Age at time of photograph 6-8 years.

1/2 lab 1/2 german shorthair

id say half lab half setter

nope to all so far.

photographed age, under 3 yrs about 2

There isnt any lab in her. ohh her name is Mossberg

Mastif Dane?

I was going to guess Mossberg!!!

Shes actually quite skinny and tall. but no great dane.

edit: let me know when u give up i have more dogs to try.

this is a tuffie… its 1/2 mastiff and 1/2 Anatolian Shepard

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