Colorado cattle guard

Cattle guards can be tricky to ride over, not this one. Cheers :sunglasses:

:smiley: Yeah the cows are so stupid they wont cross the lines,they dont know the difference.

wait do the lines on the road keep the cows from crossing?


Usually they use grates, there is no place solid for the cows to step, so they won’t cross. I guess the lines give the same effect.

Yeah.They WILL not cross those lines.

I rode across two of these on my ride last Saturday, and have seen them used for quite a few years now.

And this week’s award for Thread With The Best Country-Western Band Name goes to
 “Colorado Cattle Guard.”

This is a zebra crossing for cars!

[Reposted directly on the forum; the gateway doesn’t seem to work correctly.]

Klaas Bil

I can’t seem to get over those painted cattle guards. I think they’re spaced too wide. Maybe I could make it if the paint lines were thinner and the spacing not so great.

The lines don’t work for zebras; they just jump right over them.

Awesome avatar Weeble!

It’s easier if you approach them from an angle. Not sure the best angle, next time I cross one I’ll get out the protractor.

Thanks go to john_childs, for posting the link to the South Park Studio a week or so ago

One can tell how much time I have on my hands these days, heh

Harper, think man. You’re a scientist
I can’t believe you missed the easy solution I found. When I ride now, I bring a small can of white spray paint with me, packed in with my tools and can of “fix a flat”. Then when I get to one of those cattle guards, I can just dismount, spray a little foot-wide bridge across the rails, enjoy a Clif Bar and some water while the paint dries, then mount up and ride safely across.

This is much easier than with the old-style metal ones. I was forever carrying a pack full of sheet metal and an oxyacetylene torch. Got a little heavy on the longer rides.


Re: Colorado cattle guard

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 20:51:13 -0500, “weeble” wrote:

>The lines don’t work for zebras; they just jump right over them.

I missed a :slight_smile: in your response so let me ask: what do you call the
black and white stripes painted on the road (actually only the white
is painted), intended as pedestrian safe road crossing places?

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“When it comes to the family jewels, you won’t be having fun until they’re having fun. - Jake D”

Re: Re: Colorado cattle guard

In the US, the most common way to mark what we call a “crosswalk” is with two parallel white lines between which the pedestrian is supposed to walk. Various ladder-like figures are used also, though not nearly as much. I’ve never seen a crosswalk painted like the thing that started this thread (though this doesn’t mean that such things don’t exist), and on a rural road in Colorado you would probably be more likely to see a real live zebra than a crosswalk of any sort.

Here is a page with good pictures of some crosswalk types in New York City:

That site uses the term “zebra crossing,” but that type of crosswalk isn’t seen often enough for the term to be a part of our common dialect, at least not here in the midwest. Maybe it’s an east-coast thing, or Department-Of-Transportation-speak. I suppose the use of the word “platoon” to describe a group of people attempting to cross the street says something about the grim plight of pedestrians in our cities.

what if a uber thinking Bovine figures that out? then there will be a huge pile up in the real grates.

Re: Re: Re: Colorado cattle guard

I’m from Europe (the midwest, too, BTW), where zebra crossings are very common. You must know the uber-wellknown cover photo of the Beatles album Abbey Road (that’s in London, UK), right? In Dutch, such a crossing is called a “zebrapad” or “zebra” for short. The origin of the name is of course clear, but since the word is mostly used to refer to the crossing, I guess some children may think that the animal is named after the type of crossing!

Klaas Bil

P.S. LOL about Jagur’s grating remark.