club photos.

Karl did a bit of a photo shoot at our last practice. Being a decent
photographer he got some quite nice shots.

The link below should load up a bunch of photos. Of interest to
people may be:
a) Tony’s custom built Monty trials unicycle. The black beast is finished.
Some nice pics of it plus a little demo of just how high you can jump
b) Steve’s 2 wheeler (in use)
c) Glen demonstrating riding using his hands on the pedals
d) Glen ultimate wheeling
e) me doing 180 uni spin sequence
f) lots of silly stuff

o o Peter Bier o O o Juggler, unicyclist, programmer and mathematician.

Nice photos. Thanks for sharing. I’ve got so much to learn…

Don_TaiATyahooDOTcoDOTuk but I live in Toronto

Peter Bier wrote:
> Karl did a bit of a photo shoot at our last practice. Being a decent
> photographer he got some quite nice shots.
> The link below should load up a bunch of photos. Of interest to
> people may be:
> a) Tony’s custom built Monty trials unicycle. The black beast is
> finished. Some nice pics of it plus a little demo of just how high
> you can jump
> b) Steve’s 2 wheeler (in use)
> c) Glen demonstrating riding using his hands on the pedals
> d) Glen ultimate wheeling
> e) me doing 180 uni spin sequence
> f) lots of silly stuff
> o o Peter Bier o O o Juggler, unicyclist, programmer and mathematician.
> o/|\o